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1. The term "reverse driving" refers to driving or moving in the opposite direction of the designated one. For example, driving in reverse on a highway is a very dangerous behavior.

2. "Reverse driving" means moving in the opposite direction of the designated one. For example, it is illegal to drive in reverse on this street.

3. "Reverse driving" can also refer to going against rules, trends or tendencies. For example, his ideas are completely against the trend and are not popular with others.

4. "Reverse driving" can also refer to an athlete going back or returning to the starting point during a race. For example, he had to do a reverse drive during this race.

5. "Reverse driving" can also mean repeating or doing something again and again. For example, in this video, we can see him doing a reverse drive multiple times.


逆行的拼音为 nì xíng,读作 [nèe shing]。


1. 在高速公路上逆行是非常危险的,可能会引发交通事故。

2. 这条街道上有明确的标志逆行,但仍有人违反规定。

3. 他的想法与大家的想法完全逆行,因此没有得到支持。

4. 在比赛中,运动员不得不进行逆行以避免碰撞。

5. 这段视频中,我们可以看到他多次进行了逆行,似乎在寻找某些东西。


1. 逆向行驶:reverse driving

2. 逆流而上:go against the current

3. 逆境:adversity

4. 逆转:reversal

5. 逆耳忠言:unpleasant but truthful advice


1. 在高速公路上逆行是非常危险的,可能会引发交通事故。Driving in reverse on a highway is very dangerous and may cause traffic accidents.

2. 这条街道上有明确的标志逆行,但仍有人违反规定。There are clear signs prohibiting reverse driving on this street, but some people still violate the regulations.

3. 他的想法与大家的想法完全逆行,因此没有得到支持。His ideas are completely against everyone else's, so he did not receive support.

4. 在比赛中,运动员不得不进行逆行以避免碰撞。During the race, the athlete had to do a reverse drive to avoid collisions.

5. 这段视频中,我们可以看到他多次进行了逆行,似乎在寻找某些东西。In this video, we can see him doing a reverse drive multiple times, as if he is looking for something.



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