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3.读音读法:[táo yù] [táo yù de wēi hài hé hòu guǒ yǒu nǎ xiē]








6.Escape from prison means to escape from custody or imprisonment by various means and gain freedom. It is a violation of the law and will be severely punished by the law.

The hazards and consequences of escaping from prison are mainly as follows:

(1) Endangering social security: Escapees are often convicted criminals who may continue to engage in illegal activities after escaping, posing a security threat to society.

(2) Endangering personal safety: During the escape process, escapees may use violence to resist law enforcement officers or other personnel, causing harm to themselves and others.

(3) Damaging judicial fairness: The actions of escapees seriously affect judicial fairness and undermine the foundation of a rule of law society. It also causes psychological harm to victims and their families.

(4) Increasing social costs: When escapees are caught and brought back, they need to be retried or executed according to the original sentence, which will increase the costs of the judicial system and society.

Pronunciation: [táo yù] [táo yù de wēi hài hé hòu guǒ yǒu nǎ xiē]


(1) He was sentenced to a heavier punishment because of his escape from prison.

(2) The escapee injured several police officers during the escape process.

(3) Due to the repeat offenses of the escapee, the victim's family demanded that the court punish him severely.

(4) After investigation, the police successfully captured the escaped criminal.

(5) The escapee expressed regret after being arrested and voluntarily surrendered.

Related words: serving a sentence, imprisonment, breaking the law, fleeing, arrest

In summary, escaping from prison not only violates the law but also brings various hazards and consequences. It endangers social security and personal safety, damages judicial fairness, and increases social costs. As members of society, we should abide by laws and regulations and never attempt to escape from prison.


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