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车仆是指驾驶或操纵车辆的人员,也可以指代乘车的仆人。读音为chē fù,第一个字的读音为“chē”,第二个字的读音为“fù”。


1. 他是一名经验丰富的车仆,每天都能安全地将乘客送到目的地。

2. 这辆豪华轿车配备了专业的车仆,服务质量非常高。

3. 这位老人家已经80多岁了,但依然做着车仆的工作,非常敬业。

4. 在古代,贵族出行都会有专门的车仆来驾驶马车。

5. 他从小就跟随父亲学习如何成为一名合格的车仆。


1. 车夫:指驾驶或操纵马车、黄包车等交通工具的人员。

2. 车手:指赛车或摩托等比赛中操纵汽车或摩托等交通工具的选手。

3. 车长:指公共汽电车、火车等交通工具上负责管理和监督安全运行的人员。

4. 驾驶员:指专门从事机动车辆驾驶工作的人员。

5. 汽车司机:指驾驶汽车的人员。


A chauffeur is someone who drives or operates a vehicle, and can also refer to a servant who accompanies a person in a car. The pronunciation is "chē fù", with the first character pronounced as "chē" and the second character pronounced as "fù".


1. He is an experienced chauffeur who safely takes passengers to their destinations every day.

2. This luxury car is equipped with a professional chauffeur, providing high-quality service.

3. This elderly man is over 80 years old, but still works as a chauffeur with great dedication.

4. In ancient times, nobles would have specialized chauffeurs to drive their horse-drawn carriages.

5. He has been learning how to become a qualified chauffeur from his father since he was young.

Related words:

1. 车夫 (chē fū): refers to someone who drives or operates horse-drawn carriages, rickshaws, etc.

2. 车手 (chē shǒu): refers to compes who drive cars or motorcycles in races.

3. 车长 (chē zhǎng): refers to the person in charge of managing and ensuring safe operation of public transportation such as buses and trains.

4. 驾驶员 (jià shǐ yuán): refers to someone who specializes in driving motor vehicles.

5. 汽车司机 (qì chē sī jī): refers to someone who drives cars.



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