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轮台县(lún tái xiàn):lún读第一声,tái读第四声。

奇台县(qí tái xiàn):qí读第二声,tái读第四声。

木垒哈萨克县(mù lěi hā sà kè zì zhì xiàn):mù读第四声,lěi读第三声,hā读第一声,sà读第à一声,kè读第è二声。

吉木萨尔县(jí mù sà ěr xiàn):jí读第二声,mù读第四声,sà读第一声,ěr读第è二声。

呼图壁县(hū tú bì xiàn):hū读第一声,tú读第二声,bì读第四声。


1. 轮台县是我家乡的一个县城,它位于昌吉州东南部。每年农历八月十五日,轮台都会举办盛大的“过大节”活动,吸引着来自各地的游客前来观赏。

2. 奇台县是轮台县的邻近县城,两者之间交通便利。我曾经去过奇台县旅游,在那里品尝了当地特色美食。

3. 木垒哈萨克县是一个多民族聚居的地区,这里有着独特的文化和民俗风情。我曾经参加过当地的哈萨克族婚礼仪式,感受到了浓厚的民族气息。

4. 吉木萨尔县是轮台县西面的一个边境县城,这里有着壮丽的自然风光。我曾经在吉木萨尔县徒步旅行,欣赏了美不胜收的景色。

5. 呼图壁县是轮台县南面的一个小城镇,这里环境优美,人民热情好客。我曾经在呼图壁县度过一个愉快的假期,体验了当地的民俗文化。


1. 轮台府:轮台县曾经设立的府署。

2. 轮台镇:轮台县现在的行政中心。

3. 轮马:古代丝绸之路上运输货物和的重要交通工具。

4. 轮台驿站:古代丝绸之路上汉朝与西域诸国进行经济、文化交流的重要驿站。

5. 轮台盆地:轮台县所处的地理位置,是地区重要的农业基地。


Luntai County is located in the southeastern part of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is a county-level administrative division with a long history. It borders Qitai County to the north, Mulei Kazakh Autonomous County to the east, Jimusaer County to the west, and Hutubi County to the south. Luntai County covers a total area of 3,409 square kilometers and has a population of about 320,000.

The history of Luntai County can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. In ancient times, it was an important passage connecting the Central Plains and Western Regions, and also a key station for economic and cultural exchanges between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions. During the Tang Dynasty, Luntai became a military fortress and commercial center in the Hexi Corridor. In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Luntai belonged to Xixia, Liao, Jin and other regimes, and was once ruled by the Mongol Empire.

With the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, Luntai became an important administrative center in Xinjiang. During the Guangxu period, a government office was set up in Luntai, and a county town (now Luntai Town) was established. Since then, it has been a county-level administrative unit under Changji Prefecture during the Republic of China and after the founding of New China.

With the reform and opening up, Luntai County has witnessed rapid economic development. Currently, it has abundant natural resources and favorable climatic conditions. The main crops include cotton, wheat, corn, etc. In addition, Luntai is also an important animal husbandry base in Xinjiang with well-developed breeding industry.

Luntai County is a multi-ethnic area with Han, Hui, Uyghur ethnic groups as its main residents. It has a long history and unique folk customs. Every year on August 15th of lunar calendar, Luntai holds grand "Guo Da Jie" (a traditional festival) celebrations that attract tourists from all over to admire.


Luntai County (lún tái xiàn): lún pronounced with first tone; tái pronounced with fourth tone.

Qitai County (qí tái xiàn): qí pronounced with second tone; tái pronounced with fourth tone.

Mulei Kazakh Autonomous County (mù lěi hā sà kè zì zhì xiàn): mù pronounced with fourth tone; lěi pronounced with third tone; hā pronounced with first tone; sà pronounced with first tone; kè pronounced with second tone.

Jimusaer County (jí mù sà ěr xiàn): jí pronounced with second tone; mù pronounced with fourth tone; sà pronounced with first tone; ěr pronounced with second tone.

Hutubi County (hū tú bì xiàn): hū pronounced with first tone; tú pronounced with second tone; bì pronounced with fourth tone.


1. Luntai County is a county town in my hometown, located in the southeastern part of Xinjiang Changji Prefecture. Every year on August 15th of lunar calendar, Luntai holds grand "Guo Da Jie" celebrations that attract tourists from all over to admire.

2. Qitai County is a neighboring county town of Luntai County, and the transportation between the two is convenient. I have been to Qitai County for tourism and tasted local specialty food there.

3. Mulei Kazakh Autonomous County is a multi-ethnic area, where there are unique culture and folk customs. I have attended a wedding ceremony of the local Kazakh people and felt the strong ethnic atmosphere.

4. Jimusaer County is a border county town to the west of Luntai County, where there are magnificent natural scenery. I have been hiking in Jimusaer County and enjoyed the beautiful views.

5. Hutubi County is a small town to the south of Luntai County, which has beautiful environment and hospitable people. I once spent a pleasant holiday in Hutubi County and experienced the local folk culture.

Compound words:

1. Luntai Prefecture: The government office that used to be set up in Luntai County.

2. Luntai Town: The current administrative center of Luntai County.

3. Luntai Horses: An important means of transportation for goods and troops on the ancient Silk Road.

4. Luntai Inn: A key station for economic and cultural exchanges between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions on the ancient Silk Road.

5. Luntai Basin: The geographical location where Luntai County is located, which is an important agricultural base in Xinjiang.

In summary, Luntai County has a long history as an important passage on the ancient Silk Road. It has undergone various political changes and experienced rapid economic development in recent years. With its unique culture and natural resources, it continues to attract visitors from all over the world to explore its charm.


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