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2. 地理位置:guì zhōu shěng guì yáng shì yún yán qū

3. 贵州省贵阳市云岩区是一个人口密集的城市,截至2020年底,该区总人口约为78万人。其中,城镇人口约为55万人,占总人口的70.5%,农村人口约为23万人,占总人口的29.5%。随着城市化进程的加快,云岩区的人口数量还在不断增加。

4. 经济概况:作为贵阳市的中心城区之一,云岩区拥有发达的经济。2020年,在全国统计局公布的百强县(市、区)GDP排名中,云岩区排名第23位,在全国百强县(市、区)地级以上城市中排名第8位。该区主要产业包括工业、农业、服务业等。

5. 用例:






6. 组词:贵州省、贵阳市、云岩区、行政区、地理位置、人口密集、城镇化、经济发展、工业、农业、服务业、基础设施建设。

7. Guizhou Province, Guiyang City, Yunyan District's Geography, Population and Economic Overview

1. Yunyan District is an administrative district in Guiyang City, located in the southern part of Guizhou Province. It has a prime geographical location, bordered by Wudang District and Huaxi District to the north, Baiyun District and Kaiyang County to the east, Qingzhen City and Xifeng County to the west, and Guanshanhu District to the south. The total area of Yunyan District is 291 square kilometers.

2. Geography: guì zhōu shěng guì yáng shì yún yán qū

3. Yunyan District is a densely populated city with a total population of approximately 780,000 by the end of 2020. Among them, the urban population is about 550,000, accounting for 70.5% of the total population, and the rural population is about 230,000, accounting for 29.5% of the total population. With the acceleration of urbanization, the population in Yunyan District continues to increase.

4. Economic Overview: As one of the central districts in Guiyang City, Yunyan District has a developed economy. In 2020, according to the list of China's 100 counties (cities and districts) released by the National Bureau of Statistics, Yunyan District ranked 23rd and ranked 8th among all cities at or above county level. The main industries in this district include industry, agriculture, and services.

5. Examples:

(1) Yunyan District is a densely populated urban area, so more investment is needed in urban planning and infrastructure construction.

(2) The rapid economic development in Yunyan District has attracted a large number of people from other places to come here for employment and living.

(3) Yunyan District has rich natural resources, providing favorable conditions for local economic development.

(4) With the acceleration of urbanization process, the population in Yunyan District continues to increase.

(5) Yunyan District actively promotes industrial restructuring and continuously improves its economic development level.

6. Word combinations: Guizhou Province, Guiyang City, Yunyan District, administrative district, geographical location, dense population, urbanization, economic development, industry, agriculture , services industry , infrastructure construction.

7. In summary,贵州省贵阳市云岩区是一个人口密集、经济发达的行政区,拥有优越的地理位置和丰富的自然资源。随着城市化进程的加快,该区的人口数量还在不断增加。作为贵阳市的中心城区之一,云岩区在经济发展方面表现出色,在全国百强县(市、区)中排名靠前。未来,云岩区将继续推进产业结构调整,不断提升经济发展水平,为当地居民创造更加美好的生活。


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