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6.Symbolism is a literary and artistic movement that emphasizes the use of symbols, metaphors, and allegories to express ideas and emotions. It originated in late 19th-century France and later developed in Europe and the United States. It formed a sharp contrast with movements such as realism and naturalism, and was considered a rebellious literary form.

The word "symbol" comes from the Greek word "symbolon", meaning "sign" or "symbol". Symbolism emphasizes the use of symbols to express deeper meanings, rather than directly describing things themselves. It believes that the real world is not the only truth, but there are deeper truths. Therefore, artists need to use symbols to express these abstract concepts.

Symbolist works often have a transcendent, dreamy atmosphere, full of mystery. It emphasizes emotion and imagination, with diverse techniques and often using metaphors, similes, and hints to convey meaning. At the same time, it also pays attention to musicality and rhythm, pursuing beauty in language.

Example sentence 1: In Shakespeare's play "Hamlet", the protagonist Hamlet often uses symbolic language to express his inner world.

Example sentence 2: The poetry of French poet Baudelaire is full of symbolism, using metaphors and similes to express rebellion against the real world.

Example sentence 3: American writer Hemingway uses symbolism in his novel "The Old Man and the Sea", metaphorically comparing the relationship between the old fisherman and the sea to a struggle between man and fate.

Example sentence 4: In French painter Monet's work "Water Lilies", he uses color and light to depict changes and flow in nature, symbolizing the endless changes of life.

Example sentence 5: Russian writer Dostoevsky uses symbolism in his novel "Crime and Punishment" to explore issues of human nature and morality through the protagonist Raskolnikov.

Related words: symbolic, symbolization, symbol object, symbol body, symbolic language etc.


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