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2.路政的读音是lù zhèng,读作/lù/ /zhèng/。







4. 路政的组词:


5. 路政是什么?Road Administration

1. Road administration refers to the actions of national or local governments in managing road traffic, including road construction, maintenance, and management.

2. The pronunciation of road administration is lù zhèng, pronounced as /lù/ /zhèng/.

3. Examples of road administration:

(1) The government invests a large amount of money in road administration to improve the quality of public travel.

(2) The local government strengthens law enforcement against traffic violations to maintain order in road traffic.

(3) Road renovation projects are an important measure of road administration, aimed at improving road conditions and enhancing traffic efficiency.

(4) The urban planning department and the road administration department work closely together to develop travel plans and traffic management schemes.

(5) In the urban-rural fringe, rural road construction is also an important task of road administration.

4. Collocations of road administration:

Road management, traffic safety, vehicle management, violation handling, public transportation



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