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7.谣盐(Rum Salt)is a special type of salt that can be used for seasoning and marinating food. Its source and production method are different from regular table salt.

8.There are two main sources of rum salt, one is extracted from seawater and the other is obtained by boiling animal carcasses. The production methods are also different, which will be introduced separately below.

9.The method of extracting rum salt from seawater is relatively simple. First, collect seawater and pour it into a large container, allowing it to evaporate naturally. When the water in the seawater evaporates, what remains is crystallized salt. This method is mainly suitable for island areas.

10.On the other hand, obtaining rum salt by boiling animal carcasses requires more steps. First, you need to choose fresh animal carcasses, such as beef, lamb, fish, etc., and clean them. Then put the animal carcasses in a large pot and slowly boil them over a fire. After the animal meat is completely boiled soft, remove the meat residue and filter out impurities. Finally, continue to boil the juice until it dries up, and what remains is rum salt.


Sentence 1: The taste of this dish is very special because it is seasoned with rum salt.

Sentence 2: The signature dish of this restaurant is lamb marinated with rum salt.

Sentence 3: It is said that rum salt can help improve appetite, and I plan to give it a try.

Sentence 4: I heard that the residents on the island rely on extracting seawater to make rum salt for their livelihood.

Sentence 5: In ancient times, rum salt was considered a precious seasoning that only nobles could enjoy.

12.Word combinations: table salt, seasoning, marinating, seawater, animal carcass, boiling, crystallized, juice, impurities, extraction.

13.In summary,谣盐是一种特殊的食盐,其来源和制作方法与普通食盐有所不同。它可以通过从海水中提取或者熬制动物尸体来获得。谣盐可以用来调味和腌制食品,具有独特的味道。在古代,谣盐被认为是一种珍贵的调味品,只有贵族才能享用。现在,它已经成为一种流行的美食材料,并被广泛应用于各种菜肴中。


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