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2.读音读法:guān qí,guān qí de lè qù hé hǎo chù yǒu nǎ xiē?









1)观棋是指观看棋类游戏比赛或者棋局的行为,也可以指通过观看别人下棋来学习和提高自己的棋艺。The term "watching chess" refers to the act of watching chess game competitions or games, and can also refer to learning and improving one's own chess skills by watching others play.

2)观棋的乐趣在于欣赏高手之间的精彩对局,体会其中的智慧和技巧,同时也可以从中汲取经验和启发。The pleasure of watching chess lies in appreciating the exciting games between masters, understanding their wisdom and skills, and also gaining experience and inspiration from it.

3)读音读法:guān qí,guān qí de lè qù hé hǎo chù yǒu nǎ xiē?Pronunciation: guān qí, guān qí de lè qù hé hǎo chù yǒu nǎ xiē?

4)他喜欢在闲暇时刻坐在公园里观棋,享受那种宁静和智慧碰撞的感觉。He likes to sit in the park and watch chess in his spare time, enjoying the tranquility and the collision of wisdom.

5)每天晚上,他都会打开电视,在国际象棋比赛直播频道上观看各国大师之间的精彩对决。Every night, he would turn on the TV and watch the exciting games between masters from different countries on the live channel of international chess competitions.

6)作为一名职业选手,他每次参加比赛前都会认真地观察对手以及最近流行的开局变化。As a professional player, he always carefully observes his opponents and the latest opening variations before participating in a competition.

7)孩子们在学校里组织了一场象棋比赛,很多同学都来围观,热闹非凡。The children organized a chess competition at school, and many classmates came to watch, making it very lively.

8)在这个寒冷的冬日,他们选择在家里围坐在火炉旁边,一边喝茶一边观棋,度过一个惬意的下午。On this cold winter day, they chose to sit around the fireplace at home, drinking tea and watching chess, spending a pleasant afternoon.



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