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读音读法:guī fàn huà



1. 在生产过程中,工厂对产品的尺寸、重量等要求进行了规范化处理,保证产品的质量和可靠性。

2. 学校制定了学生行为规范,对学生的言行进行规范化管理,以维护良好的校园秩序。

3. 在编写软件程序时,遵循统一的编码规范可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。

4. 企业制定了员工岗位职责和工作流程标准,实现了岗位职责的规范化和流程的标准化。

5. 部门对公共场所消防安全标准进行了规范化处理,确保公众生命财产安全。



Regulation is what it means?

Regulation is the process of unifying and standardizing things according to certain standards or requirements. It is a management tool aimed at improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing quality to ensure that things meet the requirements and are easy to manage and supervise.

Regulation is what it means?

Pronunciation: guī fàn huà

Regulation is what it means?


1. In the production process, the factory has standardized the size, weight, and other requirements of the products to ensure their quality and reliability.

2. The school has established a code of conduct for students to regulate their behavior and maintain good campus order.

3. When writing software programs, following a unified coding standard can improve code readability and maintainability.

4. The company has set job responsibilities and standardized work processes, achieving standardization of job responsibilities and standardization of processes.

5. Government departments have standardized fire safety standards in public places to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Regulation is what it means?

Word combination: standardization, unification, formatting, regularization, boasting China



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