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1. 蜡美人是指用蜡制作的人形或动物模型,通常用于装饰或展示。

2. 蜡美人的读音为là měi rén,其中“蜡”读作là,意为蜡烛;“美”读作měi,意为美丽;“人”读作rén,意为人类。

3. 蜡美人可以用于室内装饰、博物馆展览、电影特效等场合。也可以作为手工艺品收藏或礼品赠送。


1. 她收到了一尊精致的蜡美人作为生日礼物。

2. 博物馆里展出的蜡美人栩栩如生,令人惊叹。

3. 这部电影使用了大量蜡美人来营造逼真的场景。

4. 他在家中摆放了一组精致的蜡美人来装饰客厅。

5. 这个手工艺品店里有各种各样的蜡美人供选择。

4. 蜡烛、蜂蜡、蜂王浆、蓝色美女(一种以天然成分制作的化妆品)都可以与“蜡美人”这个词组合使用。

5. The term "wax figure" refers to a human or animal model made of wax, usually used for decoration or display.

The pronunciation of "wax figure" is là měi rén, with "wax" pronounced as là, meaning candle; "beauty" pronounced as měi, meaning beautiful; and "person" pronounced as rén, meaning human.

Wax figures can be used for indoor decoration, museum exhibitions, special effects in movies, etc. They can also be collected as handicrafts or given as gifts.


1. She received a delicate wax figure as a birthday gift.

2. The wax figures displayed in the museum are lifelike and amazing.

3. This movie uses a large number of wax figures to create realistic scenes.

4. He placed a set of exquisite wax figures in his living room for decoration.

5. This handicraft store has a variety of wax figures to choose from.

4. Wax candles, beeswax, royal jelly, and blue beauty (a type of makeup made from natural ingredients) can all be combined with the term "wax figure".

6. 总的来说,蜡美人是一种用蜡制作的人形或动物模型,具有装饰、展示、手工艺品等多种用途。它们可以栩栩如生地展现出美丽的外表,也可以营造出逼真的场景。同时,蜡美人也可以与其他词汇组合使用,拓展出更多的意义和用法。无论是在博物馆里欣赏还是在家中收藏,蜡美人都能带给我们别样的视觉享受。


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