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虚假而动听的话发音为“xū jiǎ ér dòng tīng de huà”,读音为/xuː tʃiɑː ər dɔŋ tɪŋ də hweɪ/。


1. 她总是说一些虚假而动听的话来取悦别人。

2. 这个政客善于使用虚假而动听的话来吸引选民。

3. 广告中经常出现虚假而动听的话来吸引消费者购买产品。

4. 他的演讲充满了虚假而动听的话,让人们都相信了他的承诺。

5. 不要被那些虚假而动听的话迷惑,要学会辨别真假。


False and seductive words refer to words that sound very moving but are not true. Such words often create an illusion that they are true, but in fact they are false. Such words are often deceptive and can be used to deceive others or cover up the truth.

The pronunciation of false and seductive words is "xū jiǎ ér dòng tīng de huà", and the reading is /xuː tʃiɑː ər dɔŋ tɪŋ də hweɪ/.

False and seductive words can be used in various occasions, such as political propaganda, advertising, personal communication, etc. In political propaganda, some politicians often use false and seductive words to attract voters and make them believe that they can change the status quo. In advertising, some businesses also use such words to attract consumers to buy their products. In personal communication, some people also use false and seductive words to please others or cover up their flaws.

1. She always says false and seductive words to please others.

2. This politician is good at using false and seductive words to attract voters.

3. False and seductive words often appear in advertisements to attract consumers to buy products.

4. His speech is full of false and seductive words, making people believe in his promises.

5. Don't be fooled by false and seductive words, learn to distinguish between true and false.

Word group: false, seductive, discourse, deception, cover up


False and seductive words are words that sound very moving but are not true. They can be used in various occasions such as political propaganda, advertising, and personal communication. These words have a deceptive nature and can be used to deceive others or cover up the truth. It is important to be able to distinguish between true and false when encountering such words.


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