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2.萱草的读音为[xuān cǎo],读作“轩槽”。其中,“轩”字的读音为[xuān],意为华丽;“槽”字的读音为[cáo],意为容器。整体来看,萱草这个名字非常符合它的特点:华丽而又容器。








6.English Translation:

What is Xuancao?

1. Xuancao is a perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the lily family and the genus Xuancao. It is a common ornamental plant with slender stems, lanceolate leaves, funnel-shaped flowers in bright colors, and a long flowering period in spring and summer. There are many varieties of Xuancao, including white, pink, yellow, and purple.

2. The pronunciation of Xuancao is [xuān cǎo], pronounced as "xuan cao". The character "xuan" is pronounced as [xuān], meaning gorgeous; the character "cao" is pronounced as [cáo], meaning container. Overall, the name Xuancao perfectly reflects its characteristics: gorgeous and container.

3. Due to its high ornamental and medicinal value, Xuancao is widely used in daily life. It can be used as a green plant or potted plant in garden landscapes, courtyards, parks, etc. In addition, Xuancao also has certain medical effects and is used in traditional Chinese medicine for clearing heat and detoxifying, sping bleeding, and reducing swelling.

4. Example sentences:

1. The flowers of this Xuancao are very bright and have attracted many butterflies and bees to collect nectar.

2. There are several pots of Xuancao in my courtyard, and I can see their beautiful flowers blooming every morning.

3. It is said that Xuancao has certain medical effects and can treat fever and swelling.

4. This type of Xuancao has rare flower colors, which I saw for the first time at a flower exhibition.

5. I like to plant Xuancao on my balcony and enjoy the fresh air it brings every day.

5. Word combinations: Xuancao Garden, Gorgeous Container Landscape, Spring-Summer Flowers, Medicinal Plant.

6. In summary, Xuancao is a beautiful perennial herbaceous plant with various colors that can be used for both ornamental and medicinal purposes. Its name perfectly reflects its characteristics of beauty and container-like qualities. With its long flowering period and wide range of applications in daily life, it is no wonder that Xuancao is loved by many people.


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