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5.Medicinal inspection refers to the process of inspecting and testing drugs to ensure their quality and safety. It is an important means to ensure drug quality and the foundation for the safety of public medication.

1.Medicinal inspection refers to the process of inspecting and testing drugs to ensure their quality and safety.

2.The main functions of medicinal inspection are threefold: first, ensuring drug quality, including quality control in all aspects such as raw materials, production processes, and finished products; second, safeguarding public medication safety by strictly inspecting drugs to prevent substandard products from entering the market; third, promoting the development of medical and health services and improving public health levels.

3.The methods of medicinal inspection mainly include physical performance tests, chemical analysis, and biological tests. Physical performance tests mainly focus on indicators such as appearance, solubility, and content; chemical analysis uses techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy to determine components and content; biological tests evaluate toxicity and safety through animal experiments or in vitro experiments.

4.Examples: After rigorous medicinal inspection, this batch of newly launched antibiotics was found to meet national standards.

The government has increased supervision of hospital medication to ensure a 100% pass rate in medicinal inspection.

The results of medicinal inspection showed that the drug had serious quality problems and has been recalled.

Hospitals conduct regular medicinal inspections every year to ensure patient medication safety.

This pharmaceutical factory has been ordered to suspend production and rectify due to multiple failed medicinal inspection results.

5.Vocabulary: Medicinal inspection agency, medicinal inspection standards, medicinal inspection report, qualified in medicinal inspection, drug sampling.


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