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3.菱花镜的读音为“líng huā jìng”,也可以简称为“菱镜”。









1. What is a prism? What are the uses of a prism?

2. A prism is a mirror with a diamond shape, also known as a diamond mirror or a prism. It consists of two parallel triangular glass plates with a layer of air in between. It is commonly used to reflect light, making objects appear larger or smaller.

3. The main uses of a prism are as follows:

(1) Optical experiments: In physics experiments, prisms are often used to separate white light into different colors of spectrum.

(2) Amplifier: Due to its magnifying effect, prisms are often used as components in amplifiers such as telescopes and microscopes.

(3) Stylish decoration: Because of its unique appearance and optical effects, prisms are often used as decorative items, such as figurines, jewelry, etc.

(4) Photography and film production: Using prisms in photography and film production can create special visual effects such as multiple images and refracted images.

(5) Ophthalmic medicine: In ophthalmic surgery, doctors use prisms to examine the internal structures of the eye, such as the retina and lens.

4. The pronunciation of prism is "líng huā jìng", also known as "diamond mirror".

5. Here are some examples of using a prism:

(1) In a physics laboratory, a teacher uses a prism to demonstrate the principles of light refraction and reflection.

(2) A photographer uses a prism to take an interesting photo, taking advantage of its special optical effects.

(3) A jewelry designer uses a prism to observe the internal structure of gemstones to determine their quality and purity.

(4) A film director uses a prism to create an illusion scene and create unique visual effects in the movie.

(5) A doctor uses a prism to examine the internal structures of a patient's eye for diagnosing eye diseases.

6. Word combinations: Prism, telescope, microscope, figurine, refraction, reflection, retina, lens.


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