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lǎo chén móu guó


1. 作为一名家,他始终把老臣谋国作为自己最重要的准则。

2. 在危难时刻,老臣们纷纷挺身而出,用自己的智慧和力量为解决问题。

3. 这个时代需要更多像老臣那样具有和责任感的人。

4. 他虽然已经年迈,但仍然不忘初心,继续为老臣谋国。

5. 这部电影讲述了一群忠于职守、舍小家顾大家、用生命捍卫祖国安宁的老臣们。



Old ministers' devotion to the country:

Old ministers' devotion to the country refers to the act of dedicating oneself to the country's interests, contributing one's efforts for the prosperity and development of the nation, and sacrificing personal interests for the greater good of the nation. It is a noble virtue and a display of loyalty.


lǎo chén móu guó


1. As a politician, he always regards old ministers' devotion to the country as his most important principle.

2. In times of crisis, old ministers step forward and use their wisdom and strength to solve problems for the country.

3. This era needs more people with patriotic spirit and sense of responsibility like old ministers.

4. Despite his old age, he never forgets his original intention and continues to devote himself to the country.

5. This film tells the story of a group of old ministers who remain loyal to their duties, sacrifice their personal lives, and defend the peace of their motherland.

Related words:

Loyalty, dedication, sense of responsibility, patriotic spirit, sacrifice, duty


Old ministers' devotion to the country is a moral principle that emphasizes selflessness and loyalty towards one's nation. It highlights the importance of putting national interests above personal gains and making sacrifices for the greater good of society. This concept is highly valued in politics and serves as an inspiration for individuals to contribute towards their country's development and progress.


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