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1. 脚镣是一种用来束缚犯人双脚的刑具,通常由金属或者木材制成。它是古代常见的刑具之一,被用来限制犯人的行动自由,防止其逃跑或者作出。现代社会中,脚镣已经被取代,但在某些地区仍然存在。

2. 脚镣的种类主要分为两种:一种是单脚镣,另一种是双脚镣。单脚镣指的是将犯人的一只脚束缚起来,而双脚镣则是将两只脚同时束缚在一起。在这两种基本类型之外,还有各种变形和改进型号的脚镣。

3. 脚镣通常由两个部分组成:一个是铁环或者木框,用来套在犯人腿上;另一个是锁链或者铁链,用来连接铁环并且可以根据需要调节长度。这样的设计可以让犯人无法迅速移动或者跳跃,并且可以随时根据需要调整长度。

4. 脚镣的用例主要有以下几种情况:





5. 例句:





6. 组词:






7. 脚镣是什么?

Foot shackles, also known as fetters, are a type of restraint used to bind the feet of prisoners. They are typically made of metal or wood and were commonly used in ancient times as a form of punishment to restrict the movement and prevent escape or resistance. While they have been replaced by more modern forms of restraint in most societies, they still exist in some regions.

Foot shackles can be divided into two main types: single-foot shackles and double-foot shackles. Single-foot shackles refer to those that bind one foot, while double-foot shackles bind both feet together. In addition to these basic types, there are various modified and improved versions of foot shackles.

A typical foot shackle consists of two parts: an iron ring or wooden frame that is placed around the prisoner's leg, and a lock or chain that connects the ring and can be adjusted as needed. This design prevents the prisoner from moving or jumping quickly and allows for easy adjustment of the length.

There are several uses for foot shackles:

(1) As a form of punishment: In ancient times, foot shackles were used to punish prisoners by making them experience the pain of being bound and restricted.

(2) As a means of control: In prisons or police stations, foot shackles are used to control the movement of prisoners and prevent them from escaping or resisting.

(3) As an exhibit: Some museums or exhibition halls collect ancient foot shackles and display them as exhibits for visitors.

(4) As a prop: In movies and TV shows, foot shackles are often used as props to portray certain characters' identities or situations.


(1) This criminal was put in foot shackles for attempting to escape.

(2) The police tightly locked the suspect's feet in foot shackles.

(3) The museum displays various ancient forms of punishment, including foot shackles.

(4) In the movie, the protagonist is shown wearing heavy chains and foot shackles after being thrown into prison.

Words related to foot shackles:

(1) Single-foot shackle: Refers to a shackle that binds only one foot.

(2) Double-foot shackle: Refers to a shackle that binds both feet at the same time.

(3) Iron chain foot shackle: Refers to a type of foot shackle that uses iron chains for connection.

(4) Wooden foot shackle: Refers to a type of foot shackle made of wood.

(5) Metal foot shackle: Refers to a type of foot shackle made of metal.

In conclusion, foot shackles are a type of restraint used to bind prisoners' feet. They come in different types and have been used for various purposes throughout history. While they may no longer be commonly used today, they serve as a reminder of our past practices and methods of punishment.


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