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2.自嘲的读音为“zì zào”,第一个字轻声读,第二个字四声。这个词源于汉语,由“自”和“嘲”两个字组成。














6.Self-deprecation is a way of expressing oneself by mocking or ridiculing one's own behavior, speech, or thoughts. It is usually a humorous expression used to express one's dissatisfaction or inadequacy with oneself. For example, he always likes to make self-deprecating jokes and make himself look useless.

Self-deprecation is pronounced as "zì zào", with the first character pronounced lightly and the second character pronounced in the fourth tone. This word originated from Chinese and is composed of the characters "self" and "ridicule".

Self-deprecation is often used in daily life, as well as in literary works and movies. It can be used to make fun of one's own shortcomings or mistakes, or to make fun of others. For example, she often uses humor to express her dissatisfaction with herself and always says self-deprecating things.


1) He always likes to use humor to express his dissatisfaction with himself, and often says self-deprecating things that make everyone laugh.

2) When I found out I had forgotten my keys again, I could only helplessly make some humorous gestures and expressions in front of the mirror for some self-deprecation.

3) He not only resonates with the audience in his speeches, but also uses self-deprecation to help everyone relax.

4) Although she always makes fun of herself as a fool, she is actually a very intelligent person.

5) When facing challenges, he always makes some self-deprecating gestures first before seriously solving the problem.

Compound words:

1) Self-deprecator: Refers to someone who frequently makes self-deprecating jokes and humorous expressions about themselves.

2) Self-deprecation language: Refers to humorous phrases used to express one's dissatisfaction or shortcomings.

3) Self-deprecating personality: Refers to the personality trait of having a sense of humor and being good at making fun of oneself.

4) Self-deprecating humor: Refers to a type of humor that uses self-mockery as its main means.

5) When there was no toilet available, he could only helplessly make some humorous gestures and expressions in front of the mirror for some "self-deprecation".

In summary, self-deprecation is a form of humor that involves making fun of oneself. It can be used as a way to cope with one's own flaws or to make others laugh. This term is commonly used in daily life and can be seen in various forms of media.


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