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Antelope is the English translation of the word "羚羊". It is a type of mammal that belongs to the Bovidae family and is known for its slender body, long legs, and distinctive horns.


The pronunciation of "Antelope" is /ˈæntəloʊp/. It is pronounced as AN-tuh-lohp with the stress on the first syllable.



1) The antelope gracefully leaped over the bushes.

2) The antelope's horns are used for defense against predators.

3) Antelopes are known for their exceptional speed and agility.

4) The African savanna is home to various species of antelopes.

5) The antelope's coat provides camouflage in its natural habitat.


Compound words related to "antelope":

1) Antelope-like (adjective): resembling an antelope in appearance or behavior.

2) Antelope-horned (adjective): having horns similar to those of an antelope.

3) Antelope-skin (noun): a type of leather made from the skin of an antelope.

4) Antelope-herd (noun): a group of antelopes living together in a herd.

5) Antelope-grass (noun): a type of grass commonly eaten by antelopes.

5. 羚羊的英文怎么说? 羚羊是什么动物?


羚羊 - Antelope

动物 - Animal

Bovidae family - 牛科家族

Slender body - 苗条的身体

Long legs - 长腿

Distinctive horns - 独特的角



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