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绝句 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳的意思是什么?


2.读音读法:jú jù liǎng gè huáng lí míng cuì liǔ。绝句中的“绝”读作jú,意为“完整、完美”,“鹂”读作lí,是一种鸟类,“翠柳”分别读作cuì liǔ。









绝句 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳的意思是什么?

Two orioles singing in the green willows, what does it mean?

1. Jueju is a classical poetic form with four lines and five characters in each line, totaling twenty characters. Two orioles singing in the green willows refers to two yellow orioles singing on the lush green willow trees. This jueju expresses the beautiful scenery of spring and also conveys the poet's yearning for life and praise for nature.

2. Pronunciation: jué jù liǎng gè huáng lí míng cuì liǔ. In this jueju, "绝" is pronounced as jué, meaning "complete" or "perfect", "鹂" is pronounced as lí, which refers to a type of bird, and "翠柳" is pronounced as cuì liǔ.

3. Examples:

Sentence 1: Two orioles singing in the green willows, with the spring breeze blowing through the mountains.

Sentence 2: Waking up in the morning to listen to the yellow orioles singing on the branches of green willows.

Sentence 3: The sound of yellow orioles from afar disturbs the sleeping green willows.

Sentence 4: A small bridge over flowing water with yellow orioles and shady green trees, it's springtime.

Sentence 5: In the sunset, two yellow orioles cuddle in the swaying green willows.

4. Word combinations: orioles, green willows, spring breeze, mountains, morning, singing, from afar, sleeping, small bridge, flowing water, green trees, shady, sunset, cuddling.

5. Chinese-English translation:

绝句 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳的意思是什么?

Two orioles singing in the green willows, what does it mean?


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