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纳粹主义(读音:nà cí zhǔ yì)是由“Nationalsozialismus”一词缩写而来,意为“”。它由德国家阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)领导,并在1933年至1945年间德国。在此期间,纳粹党迫害犹太人、同性恋者、残疾人等少数群体,并发动了第二次世界大战。



1. 纳粹主义的兴起导致了二战的爆发。

2. 犹太人在纳粹主义下遭受了巨大的迫害。

3. 纳粹主义对德国社会造成了毁灭性的影响。

4. 这部电影展现了纳粹主义下的残酷现实。

5. 战后,纳粹主义被世界各国一致谴责。


1. 党卫(Schutzstaffel,缩写为SS):纳粹党内最重要的武装力量,负责监视和迫害政敌。

2. 集中营(Konzentrationslager,缩写为KZ):纳粹政权建立的用于囚禁和虐待犯、犹太人等人群的场所。

3. 种族主义(Rassismus):基于种族歧视和偏见而产生的思想和行为。

4. 法西斯主义(Faschismus):类似于纳粹主义的极端民族主义思想,起源于意大利。

5. 反犹太主义(Antisemitismus):针对犹太人的仇恨和歧视。

纳粹主义(Nazism)is a extreme nationalist and anti-Semitic ideology that originated in Germany in the 1920s. It emphasizes the superiority and racial purity of the German people, viewing other races and cultures as inferior. Nazism also advocates for a strong leader with absolute authority, opposes democracy and individual freedom, and encourages the use of violence to achieve its political goals.

Nazism (pronounced: nazi-zhum) is derived from the German word "Nationalsozialismus," meaning "national socialism." It was led by German politician Adolf Hitler and ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. During this time, the Nazi party persecuted minorities such as Jews, homosexuals, and disabled individuals, and launched World War II.

The origins of Nazism can be traced back to Hitler's failed coup attempt in Munich in 1923, but it was not until he became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 that it was fully implemented. Under his leadership, the Nazi party gradually gained control of the government and society through propaganda, terror tactics, and elections.

Here are some examples of Nazism:

1. The rise of Nazism led to the outbreak of World War II.

2. Jews suffered greatly under Nazism.

3. Nazism had a devastating impact on German society.

4. This film depicts the brutal reality under Nazi rule.

5. After the war, Nazism was universally condemned by countries around the world.

Some related terms to Nazism are:

1. Schutzstaffel (abbreviated as SS): The most important armed force within the Nazi party responsible for surveillance and persecution of political opponents.

2. Konzentrationslager (abbreviated as KZ): Camps established by the Nazi regime for imprisoning and mistreating political prisoners, Jews, and other groups.

3. Racism (Rassismus): Ideology and behaviors based on racial discrimination and prejudice.

4. Fascism (Faschismus): A similar extreme nationalist ideology to Nazism that originated in Italy.

5. Antisemitism (Antisemitismus): Hatred and discrimination against Jews.


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