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红藕香残玉簟秋(hóng ǒu xiāng cán yù dǎi qiū)是一句意境优美、富有诗情画意的词语。其中,“红藕”指的是色彩鲜艳的荷花;“香残”指柔美芳香已逝;“玉簟”指的是用玉石制作的席子;“秋”指的是寒冷的季节。整句诗意味深长,抒发了作者对爱情之美的赞美和对分离之痛的感慨。




1. 每当秋风吹过,我总会想起那首《西厢记》中李娘子唱过的那首“红藕香残玉簟秋”。

2. 在黄昏时分,湖面上漂浮着几朵红莲花,仿佛在诉说着那首“红藕香残玉簟秋”的诗句。

3. 这首《西厢记》中的歌曲,用“红藕香残玉簟秋”的美妙词句,抒发了对爱情和生命的美好祝愿。





Red lotus fragrance, jade mat autumn - Where does it come from? What does it mean?

"Red lotus fragrance, jade mat autumn" is a sentence from the ancient Chinese literary work "The Story of the Western Wing". "The Story of the Western Wing" is a long drama written by the Yuan Dynasty playwright Wang Shifu, which tells the love story between the Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Zhen and Lady Li. This sentence appears in a song sung by Lady Li at a farewell banquet for Yuan Zhen.

This phrase conveys a beautiful and poetic image. "Red lotus" refers to the colorful lotus flower; "fragrance" indicates its delicate and fleeting scent; "jade mat" refers to a mat made of jade; "autumn" symbolizes the cold season. The whole sentence expresses the author's admiration for the beauty of love and his sorrow for separation.

It can also be interpreted as a reflection on the beauty of life and the fragility of existence. "Red lotus" represents the colorful moments in life, "fragrance" represents the passing of good times, while "jade mat" and "autumn" symbolize the inevitable changes and farewells in life. This phrase reflects people's emotions towards the passage of time, changes in seasons, and life's inevitable realities such as aging and death.


1. Whenever autumn breeze blows, I always think of that song sung by Lady Li in "The Story of the Western Wing" - "Red lotus fragrance, jade mat autumn".

2. At dusk, a few red lotus flowers float on the lake, as if telling the story of "red lotus fragrance, jade mat autumn".

3. This song from "The Story of the Western Wing", with its beautiful lyrics "red lotus fragrance, jade mat autumn", conveys good wishes for love and life.


In summary, "red lotus fragrance, jade mat autumn" is a poetic phrase from an ancient Chinese literary work that expresses admiration for love and sorrow for separation. It can also be interpreted as a reflection on the beauty and fragility of life. This phrase has been widely used in literature and daily conversations to convey emotions related to love, time passing by, and changes in life.


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