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绅士(shēn shì)

风度(fēng dù)


1. 他穿着一套西装领带,举止优雅、谦逊,完美展现出了绅士的风度。

2. 在与女往时,他总是表现出温文尔雅、体贴入微的绅士风度。

3. 作为一名词典编辑人员,他具备着良好的教养和谈吐,在工作中展现出了绅士风度。

4. 即使遇到挑战和困难,他也能保持冷静、理性地处理问题,完美诠释了绅士的风度。

5. 他总是保持谦虚、谨慎的态度,从不炫耀自己的成就,这也是他被认为是一位绅士的原因之一。



Gentleman's demeanor, how to show gentleman's demeanor?

Gentleman's demeanor refers to a kind of elegant, humble, and educated temperament, which is often considered as the quality that men should possess. It is not only reflected in appearance, but more importantly, in inner cultivation and behavior. How to show gentleman's demeanor can be understood from the following aspects.

1. Appearance and dress

A gentleman's appearance and dress should be clean and tidy, in line with the occasion and his own identity. In formal occasions, you can choose a suit and tie or formal attire to show a capable and steady side; in casual occasions, you can choose casual wear to show a relaxed and confident side. No matter what the occasion is, attention should be paid to color matching and details processing to show respect for one's own image.

2. Speech and behavior

A gentleman should know how to use language to show his demeanor. They should be polite, humble, respectful of others, and good at listening and communicating. In communication, pay attention to appropriate wording and tone of voice, and avoid rude or offensive language.

3. Interpersonal relationships

A gentleman should treat others with kindness, sincerity, and courtesy, and respect others' feelings and privacy. They will not disturb others at will, nor will they be too curious about others' private affairs. When helping others, a gentleman should humbly accept thanks instead of showing off his good deeds.

4. Dealing with things steadily

A gentleman should have the ability and wisdom to handle problems. When encountering difficulties and challenges, a gentleman should remain calm and rational, and solve problems in an appropriate way. They will not easily lose their temper or make impulsive decisions.

5. Respect for women

A gentleman should respect women and show care and concern for them. They will not make insulting or discriminatory remarks or actions towards women, but treat them equally and with respect. When interacting with women, a gentleman will also show a gentle, considerate, and attentive side.

6. Honesty and trustworthiness

A gentleman should be honest and trustworthy, maintain consistency in words and deeds, and keep his promises. They will not lie or be hypocritical, but use practical actions to prove their promises and credibility.

7. Humility and prudence

A gentleman should maintain a humble and prudent attitude. They will not be arrogant or overly confident in themselves or boast about their achievements. After achieving success, a gentleman will remain low-key and be willing to share and help others.

Gentleman's demeanor is an inner cultivation that requires long-term accumulation and cultivation. It is not just the external display, but more importantly the inner qualities and behavior. Only those who truly possess these qualities can show true gentlemanly demeanor.


Gentleman (shēn shì)

Demeanor (fēng dù)


1. He was wearing a suit with a tie, behaving elegantly and humbly, perfectly showing his gentleman's demeanor.

2. When interacting with women, he always shows a gentle mannerism that is considerate and attentive, which is a perfect representation of gentleman's demeanor.

3. As a dictionary editor, he has good manners and eloquence, showing his gentleman's demeanor in his work.

4. Even when faced with challenges and difficulties, he can remain calm and rational in handling problems, perfectly interpreting the gentleman's demeanor.

5. He always maintains a humble and cautious attitude, never showing off his achievements, which is also one of the reasons why he is considered a gentleman.

Word combinations:

Gentleman's demeanor, elegant and humble, education, appearance and dress, speech and behavior, interpersonal relationships, dealing with things steadily, respect for women, honesty and trustworthiness, humility and prudence.


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