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2.笑声的读音为[xiào shēng],其中“xiào”字读作第二声,“shēng”字读作第一声。在汉语拼音中,它的注音符号为“ㄒㄧㄠˋ ㄕㄥ”。



1. 当听到朋友讲述搞笑故事时,我忍不住发出了爽朗的笑声。

2. 她那悦耳动听的笑声让整个房间都充满了欢乐气氛。

3. 在这个充满压力的社会中,我们需要多一些轻松愉快的笑声来缓解压力。

4. 她的笑声像是一首美妙的乐曲,让人心情愉悦。

5. 当我听到她的笑声时,我感受到了她内心的快乐和满足。


5.Laugh is a sound that people make when they feel happy, joyful or amused. It can be produced through the mouth, nose, or throat, and has a unique tone and rhythm.

6.Laugh is a form of expression that reflects people's emotions and can convey information and socialize with others. It has different characteristics such as happiness, joy, humor, and can bring people closer together.

Example sentences:

1.When I heard my friend telling a funny story, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

2.Her delightful laughter filled the whole room with a joyful atmosphere.

3.In this stressful society, we need more light-hearted laughter to relieve stress.

4.Her laughter was like a beautiful melody that made me feel happy.

5.When I heard her laughter, I could feel her inner joy and contentment.

Laughing is an essential part of human communication and interaction. It brings positivity and happiness to our lives and helps us connect with others. So next time you hear someone laughing, don't forget to join in on the fun!


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