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2.种树郭橐驼传(zhǒng shù guō tuó tuó chuán)的读音为“zhòng shù guō tuó tuó chuán”,其中“郭橐驼”为主人公的名字,“传”则意为“传说”。



1. 郭橐驼是一个勤劳善良、乐观向上的农民,在他眼中,种树不仅是一种生活手段,更是一种希望。

2. 郭橐驼坚信只要肯努力,就一定能够改变命运,所以他每天都在田地里辛勤地种树。

3. 经过多年的努力,郭橐驼终于成为了一位富甲一方的大地主,他的故事也被人们传颂开来。

4. 郭橐驼的种树影响了周围的人,许多农民也纷纷效仿他,通过种树改变自己的生活。

5. 郭橐驼的成功不仅带给自己和家人幸福,也为整个村子带来了繁荣和发展。


5.种树郭橐驼传(The Story of Guo Tuotuo Who Planted Trees)is a classical literature work, which tells a story about planting trees. The author of this work is Bai Juyi, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty and it is considered as one of his most representative works.

6. In "The Story of Guo Tuotuo Who Planted Trees", the protagonist Guo Tuotuo, a poor farmer, changes his destiny through hard work and wisdom by planting trees, and eventually becomes a rich man in the region. This story not only demonstrates the spirit of diligence and wisdom of Chinese farmers in ancient times, but also expresses people's longing for a better life.

In this story, Guo Tuotuo is a hardworking and kind farmer who sees planting trees not only as a means of livelihood, but also as a hope. He firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he can change his destiny. Therefore, he works diligently in the fields every day.

After years of hard work, Guo Tuotuo finally becomes a wealthy landlord and his story is passed down from generation to generation. His spirit of planting trees also influences people around him, and many farmers follow his example to change their lives through planting trees.

Guo Tuotuo's success not only brings happiness to himself and his family, but also brings prosperity and development to the whole village. "The Story of Guo Tuotuo Who Planted Trees" is a timeless classic that reflects the perseverance and optimism of Chinese farmers and inspires people to pursue a better life through hard work and wisdom.


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