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2.神谕的读音为“shén yù”,读作第一声和轻声。



1. 祭司经过长时间的沉思和献祭后,终于得到了一个重要的神谕。

2. 在困难的抉择面前,他决定去寻求一位圣人的神谕。

3. 她相信自己得到了上天赐予的神谕,所以毅然决定追随自己内心的声音。

4. 有些人认为他的成功来自于他对自己内心深处那个“不朽之火”的坚持,而他则说这是一个来自上天的神谕。

5. 在这个充满挑战和变化的时代,我们需要倾听内心的神谕,找到前进的方向。


- 神谕书:指记载着神明或圣人指示和预言的书籍。

- 神谕殿:供奉神明并进行占卜和求取神谕的场所。

- 神谕语:指由神明或圣人发出的预言性语言。

- 神谕者:指能够解读和传达神明或圣人意愿的人。

- 神谕信仰:指对于神明或圣人发出的神秘启示和预言的信仰。



1. An oracle is a prediction or guidance believed to come from a deity or holy person, which is thought to be able to predict the future or give people direction.

2. The pronunciation of oracle is "awr-kuhl", with the stress on the first syllable and a silent "e" at the end.

3. An oracle can be a prophecy or a guidance. It is often believed to possess mysterious power and is considered as a revelation from a deity or holy person. In ancient times, people would seek oracles through various means, such as sacrifices and divination. Nowadays, we tend to understand oracle as a spiritual guidance and inspiration.

Example sentences:

1. After long contemplation and sacrifices, the priest finally received an important oracle.

2. Faced with a difficult decision, he decided to seek an oracle from a holy person.

3. She believed she had received an oracle from above and decided to follow her inner voice.

4. Some believe that his success comes from his perseverance in the "eternal flame" within him, while he says it is an oracle from above.

5. In this challenging and changing era, we need to listen to the oracle within us and find our way forward.

4. Oracle can form related vocabulary, such as:

- Oracle book: refers to a book that records the instructions and prophecies of deities or holy persons.

- Oracle temple: a place where deities are worshipped and divination and seeking of oracles are conducted.

- Oracle language: refers to a prophetic language spoken by deities or holy persons.

- Oracle interpreter: a person who can interpret and convey the will of deities or holy persons.

- Oracle belief: refers to the belief in mysterious revelations and prophecies from deities or holy persons.



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