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离骚注音的正确读音为lí sāo zhù yīn,它是一种古代文学体裁,也被称为离骚体。离骚注音是指对《离骚》这首诗的发音和语调进行标记和解释的过程。《离骚》是一首由屈原所作的长篇抒情诗,被认为是文学史上第一部抒情长诗,也是屈原最著名的作品之一。












1)抒情(shū qíng):指表达情感、抒发感情。

2)长篇(cháng piān):指篇幅较长的作品。

3)流传(liú chuán):指信息或作品在社会中广泛传播。

4)感染力(gǎn rǎn lì):指能够感染他人的力量。

5)意境(yì jìng):指作品所表达的情感和意义所营造出来的氛围和景象。


离骚注音 - Li Sao Zhu Yin

1) The correct pronunciation of Li Sao Zhu Yin is lí sāo zhù yīn. It is an ancient literary genre, also known as Li Sao style. Li Sao Zhu Yin refers to the process of marking and explaining the pronunciation and intonation of the poem "Li Sao". "Li Sao" is a long lyrical poem written by Qu Yuan, considered to be the first lyrical long poem in Chinese literary history and one of Qu Yuan's most famous works.

2) In ancient times, poetry was often spread and circulated through singing. Therefore, the pronunciation and intonation of poems played a very important role. "Li Sao" emphasizes even more on the expressive power and infectiousness of language. Therefore, it is particularly important to mark and explain its pronunciation and intonation when inheriting and learning this poem.

3) In addition to marking the pronunciation and intonation, Li Sao Zhu Yin also includes explanations of the meaning and usage of each word. These explanations can help readers better understand the artistic conception and emotions of the poem, thus appreciating it better.


1) Li Sao Zhu Yin is an important literary research work that can help us better understand ancient poetry.

2) Through studying Li Sao Zhu Yin, I have gained a deeper understanding of this poem.

3) Li Sao Zhu Yin is not only about marking the pronunciation and intonation, but also includes explanations of the artistic conception and emotions of the poem.

4) When teaching "Li Sao", the teacher emphasized the importance of studying Li Sao Zhu Yin.

5) Through reading Li Sao Zhu Yin, I have gained a whole new understanding of this poem.

4) Word formation is a common way of word construction in Chinese. In Li Sao Zhu Yin, there are also some new words formed by combining two or more characters. For example:

1) Shu Qing (shū qíng): refers to expressing emotions and feelings.

2) Chang Pian (cháng piān): refers to a longer piece of work.

3) Liu Chuan (liú chuán): refers to information or works being widely spread in society.

4) Gan Ran Li (gǎn rǎn lì): refers to the power to infect others.

5) Yi Jing (yì jìng): refers to the atmosphere and scenery created by the emotions and meanings expressed in a work.



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