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1. 石猴的外观特点


2. 石猴的生活习性


3. 石猴的社会结构


4. 石猴的用途


5. 石猴在文学作品中的形象


6. 石猴相关词汇






7. 石猴(Golden snub-nosed monkey)

The golden snub-nosed monkey is a primate species native to the southwestern region of China. It belongs to the mammal class, primate order, monkey family, and golden snub-nosed monkey genus. They usually inhabit high-altitude areas above 2000 meters and are mainly found in provinces such as Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou. The golden snub-nosed monkey is also known as the golden monkey, black leaf monkey, or white-headed leaf monkey and is a rare and unique species in China.

1. Appearance of the golden snub-nosed monkey

The golden snub-nosed monkey has a small body size, with a body length of about 50 centimeters and a tail length of about 60 centimeters. They have various fur colors, with adult males mostly having a golden yellow color with black heads and limbs, while females are mostly light yellow. They have round cheeks and large round eyes, small mouths but strong bite force. In addition, they have strong limbs and agile movements, making them able to jump freely among steep mountains.

2. Habits of the golden snub-nosed monkey

As one of the most representative animals in high-altitude areas, the golden snub-nosed monkey has a strong adaptability to its environment. They live in high-altitude areas all year round, enduring cold weather and steep terrain with ease. The golden snub-nosed monkey mainly feeds on plants such as leaves, fruits, and flowers. They also store food during winter for future use.

3. Social structure of the golden snub-nosed monkey

Golden snub-nosed monkeys are social animals that usually live in groups consisting of one male, multiple females, and their offspring. They have a strict social hierarchy with the male as the leader responsible for protecting the group while females take care of young ones and gather food. They also maintain social relationships by grooming each other's fur.

4. Uses of the golden snub-nosed monkey

Due to their rarity and cute appearance, the golden snub-nosed monkey is well-loved by people and is listed as a first-class protected animal in China. They are also an important symbol in traditional Chinese culture and have appeared in various forms of art such as literature, films, and TV dramas.

5. Image of the golden snub-nosed monkey in literature

Sun Wukong from the famous Chinese novel "Journey to the West" is based on the golden snub-nosed monkey. Sun Wukong is clever, brave, and has extraordinary abilities and an indomitable spirit, making him one of the most popular characters in Chinese literature. In the novel "The Golden Monkey", there is a more detailed description of the habits and social structure of the golden snub-nosed monkey, providing people with a deeper understanding of this animal.

6. Related vocabulary of the golden snub-nosed monkey

(1) Monkey: refers to a type of primate that includes large apes and small monkeys.

(2) Rare: refers to something that is scarce, difficult to obtain or has special value.

(3) High-altitude areas: refers to areas with high altitude, cold climate, and sparse vegetation.

(4) Social hierarchy: refers to a system where social relationships and resource distribution are organized based on status and power levels.



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