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2.“石河子”的读音为“shí hé zǐ”,意为“石头河子”。这个名字来源于当地的一条小河,因其水质清澈,河床铺满了鹅卵石,所以被称为“石头河子”。








4. 石河子市的介绍组词:边境城市、农业基地、商贸物流中心、耕地、水资源、小麦、棉花、玉米、大豆、农产品、棉花节、葡萄种植业、公路、铁路、贸易往来。

5. 石河子市的介绍对照:

英文:Shihezi City

1)Shihezi City is a county-level city in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, located in the northern part of Xinjiang. It is the smallest prefecture-level city in Xinjiang. It is a beautiful border city and an important agricultural base and commercial logistics center in Xinjiang.

2)The pronunciation of "Shihezi" is "shí hé zǐ", which means "stone river". This name comes from a small river in the area, which has clear water and a bed covered with pebbles, hence the name "stone river".

3)As an important agricultural base in northern Xinjiang, Shihezi City has vast arable land and abundant water resources. It is known for its production of wheat, cotton, corn, soybeans and other crops, and is one of the largest cotton production bases in China.


1)In recent years, Shihezi City has increased its investment in agricultural technology innovation, improving the quality and yield of agricultural products.

2)Every summer, the Cotton Festival held in Shihezi City attracts many tourists to come and enjoy.

3)Thanks to suitable climatic conditions, the grape growing industry in Shihezi City is also developing rapidly, and its wine products are popular among consumers.

4)Shihezi City is also an important commercial logistics center in Xinjiang with multiple highways and railways connecting it to major cities in China.

5)With the promotion of China's "Belt and Road" initiative, trade between Shihezi City and Central Asian countries has become increasingly frequent.



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