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社会关系(shè huì guān xì),社会关系的类型(shè huì guān xì de lèi xíng)。









Social relationship, types of social relationship

1.Social relationship refers to the interaction and connection between people, which is established by common interests, goals or values among social members. It is an essential part of social life and can be said that there is no society without social relationships.

2.According to different classification criteria, social relationships can be divided into many types. The most common ones are as follows:

(1) Kinship: It refers to the relationship between relatives through blood or marriage, such as father and son, brothers, husband and wife, etc.

(2) Friendship: It refers to the friendship established based on common interests, values or experiences, such as classmates, friends, etc.

(3) Neighborhood: It refers to the relationship between neighbors living in the same community or street.

(4) Occupational relationship: It refers to the relationship formed by colleagues or superiors and subordinates in the workplace.

(5) Political relationship: It refers to the relationship formed in the political field due to common political goals, such as party members, political party members, etc.

(6) Business relationship: It refers to the relationship formed in commercial activities due to cooperation or competition, such as customers, suppliers, etc.


Social relationship (shè huì guān xì), types of social relationship (shè huì guān xì de lèi xíng).


(1) She has established a good neighborhood relationship with her neighbors.

(2) We were college classmates and still maintain a deep friendship.

(3) Their business relationship has lasted for ten years.

(4) Political relationships are crucial for a political party.

(5) The kinship between parents and children is the closest.

5.Compound words:

Social network, occupational social relationship, friendly social relationship, blood-related social relationship, neighborhood social relationship, political social relations


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