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1. 眼罩英文怎么说?眼罩的用途有哪些?

Eye Mask, What are the uses of eye mask?

2. 眼罩英文怎么说?眼罩的用途有哪些?

/ai mæsk/, /wʌt ər ði ˈjusɪz əv aɪ mæsk/

3. 眼罩英文怎么说?眼罩的用途有哪些?

- Protecting the eyes from light while sleeping

- Relieving eye strain and fatigue

- Promoting relaxation and better sleep

- Reducing puffiness and dark circles under the eyes

- Aiding in meditation or relaxation techniques

4. 眼罩英文怎么说?眼罩的用途有哪些?

1) I always wear an eye mask when I sleep to block out any light.

2) My job requires me to stare at a computer screen all day, so I use an eye mask to relieve my eye strain.

3) The spa offered us eye masks during our massage session for a more relaxing experience.

4) After a long flight, I like to put on an eye mask to reduce the puffiness and dark circles under my eyes.

5) Some people use eye masks during meditation or yoga to help them focus better.

5. 眼罩英文怎么说?眼罩的用途有哪些?

Eye Mask - 眼罩

Uses - 用途



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