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1. 盘龙是什么?


2. 盘龙是什么?


3. 盘龙是什么?


4. 盘龙是什么?


5. 盘龙是什么?


6. 盘龙是什么?


7. 盘龙是什么?


8. 盘龙是什么?

盘龙(pán lóng)的读音为[pʰǎn lʊ̌ŋ]。其中,“盘”(pán)读作[pʰǎn],意为“环绕、缠绕”;“龙”(lóng)读作[lʊ̌ŋ],意为“神兽”。因此,“盘龙”一词可理解为“环绕着的神兽”。

9. 盘龙是什么?

1. 龙蟠虎踞:形容地势险要,守势坚固。

2. 龙腾虎跃:比喻气势盛大,生机勃勃。

3. 龙飞凤舞:形容舞蹈优美、华丽。

4. 龙马:比喻精力充沛、饱满。

5. 龙吟虎啸:形容声音雄壮、威武。

10. 盘龙是什么?

Panlong is a mythical creature in traditional Chinese culture, also known as a dragon-shaped divine beast in ancient Chinese legends. It has a huge body, sharp claws and teeth, and its back is covered with scales. Panlong is usually depicted as a winding and coiling dragon, symbolizing infinite power and eternal life.

Panlong is considered an auspicious creature in Chinese traditional culture, representing good fortune, authority and nobility. It is also believed to be the most powerful creature between heaven and earth, with the ability to control the winds and clouds, manipulate water and fire, among other supernatural powers. Therefore, it was often used as a symbolic pattern or emblem for emperors and nobles in ancient times.

Panlong also appears frequently in ancient Chinese literary works. For example, "Classic of Mountains and Seas" contains many myths about Panlong, such as "Pangu creating the world" and "Nüwa repairing the sky". These stories depict Panlong as a mysterious being with great powers to change the world, create life, and even possess immortality.

In addition to its cultural significance, Panlong is also a common decorative element in traditional Chinese architecture. In ancient times, it was often carved on pillars of palaces, temples and monasteries to show its grandeur and nobility. It can also be seen in crafts such as ceramics and brocade, representing a luxurious and elegant artistic style.

Panlong is also an important element in Chinese festival culture. During important festivals such as Dragon Boat Festival (also known as "Duanwu Festival") and Spring Festival, grand sacrificial ceremonies are held to pray for the blessings of Panlong for the country and people. In addition, there are folk tales about Panlong driving away evil spirits and protecting families from disasters.

Apart from its significance in Chinese culture, Panlong has different interpretations in other countries and regions. For example, in Southeast Asia, it is seen as a guardian deity of water, protecting ships and fishermen from dangers at sea. In Western countries, Panlong is often used as a character in fantasy novels and movies with a mysterious and magical image.

In summary, Panlong holds an important position in traditional Chinese culture. It is not only a mythical legend but also a cultural symbol and spiritual pursuit. It represents people's pursuit of life, power, wisdom and immortality. At the same time, it embodies the Chinese people's respect and awe for nature and social order.

The pronunciation of Panlong is [pʰǎn lʊ̌ŋ]. "Pan" (pán) means "surrounding" or "coiling", while "long" (lóng) means "divine beast". Therefore, the term can be understood as a "coiling divine beast".

Some idioms related to dragons:

1. Longpanhujv: describing a strategic location with strong defense.

2. Longtenghuyue: metaphor for great momentum or vitality.

3. Longfeifengwu: describing beautiful or splendid dance.

4. Longmajingshen: metaphor for full of energy and vitality.

5. Longyinhuxiao: describing a loud and powerful voice.


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