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1. 电棒是一种电动工具,通常由手柄和尖端的金属棒组成。它通过电流来产生高温或高压,用于制造弧光、点燃物体或传输电能。

2. 电棒可以用于家庭、农业、医疗、安全等多个领域。它可以作为家庭用具,用于点燃壁炉、烧烤或驱赶害虫;在农业中,可以用来治理牲畜或防止动物逃跑;在医疗领域,可以作为治疗肌肉和神经问题的物理治疗工具;在安全方面,可以用来制造示信号或自卫武器。


1. 电棒的英文名称为"electric baton",读作[iˈlektrɪk bəˈtɑːn]。

2. 在美国英语中也有人称其为"stun gun",读作[stʌn ɡʌn]。

3. 在地区也有人称其为"棍",读作[jǐng gùn]。


1. 家庭使用:当家中断电时,使用电棒点亮蜡烛或灯泡。

2. 农业使用:在牧场中,使用电棒驱赶牲畜。

3. 医疗使用:医生可以用电棒进行物理治疗,帮助患者恢复肌肉功能。

4. 安全使用:可以使用电棒制造强光或高压来制服罪犯。


1. 我家的电棒用来点燃壁炉非常方便。

2. 农民们常常用电棒来驱赶野兽。

3. 由于受伤,我需要每天使用电棒进行物理治疗。

4. 手里的电棒让罪犯束手就擒。

5. 这种新型的电棒具有防水功能,可以在雨天使用。


1. 电击:类似于电棒的武器,可以发射强大的电流来制服敌人。

2. 电击手铐:结合了手铐和电棒的功能,可以同时限制和被捕者。

3. 高压线路:供应高压电能的导线,需要特殊工具如电棒来操作。

4. 点火器:一种小型的、可携带的点火工具,类似于迷你版的电棒。

5. 防身武器:包括电棒、喷雾剂、手等,可以用于自卫的工具。


Electric baton, also known as stun gun, is an electric tool consisting of a handle and a metal rod at the tip. It generates high temperature or high voltage through electricity, which can be used to create arcs, ignite objects or transmit electricity.

The uses of electric batons are versatile and can be applied in various fields such as household, agriculture, medical and safety. It can serve as a household item for lighting candles or barbecues, repelling pests; in agriculture, it can be used to control livestock or prevent animals from escaping; in medical field, it can be used as a physical therapy tool for muscle and nerve problems; for safety purposes, it can be used to create warning signals or self-defense weapons.


1. The English name for electric baton is "electric baton", pronounced [iˈlektrɪk bəˈtɑːn].

2. In American English, some people also refer to it as "stun gun", pronounced [stʌn ɡʌn].

3. In mainland China, some people call it "棍" (police baton), pronounced [jǐng gùn].


1. Household use: When there is a power outage at home, the electric baton can be used to light candles or light bulbs.

2. Agricultural use: In pastures, electric batons are commonly used to drive away livestock.

3. Medical use: Doctors may use electric batons for physical therapy to help patients regain muscle function.

4. Safety use: Police officers can use electric batons to produce bright light or high voltage to subdue criminals.


1. The electric baton in my house is very convenient for lighting the fireplace.

2. Farmers often use electric batons to repel wild animals.

3. Due to my injury, I need to use the electric baton for physical therapy every day.

4. The police officer subdued the criminal with an electric baton in his hand.

5. This new type of electric baton is waterproof and can be used in rainy days.

Word combinations:

1. Taser gun: A weapon similar to an electric baton that can shoot powerful currents to subdue enemies.

2. Stun handcuffs: Combining the functions of handcuffs and electric batons, it can simultaneously restrain and control the arrestee.

3. High-voltage lines: A wire system that supplies high-voltage electricity, requiring special tools such as electric batons for operation.

4. Igniter: A small, portable ignition tool, similar to a mini version of an electric baton.

5. Self-defense weapons: Including electric batons, pepper sprays, handguns, etc., which can be used for self-defense purposes.

电棒不仅是一种强大的工具,更是我们生活中必不可少的伙伴。它可以帮助我们解决各种问题,同时也保护我们的安全。无论是在家庭、农业、医疗还是安全领域,电棒都发挥着重要作用。它的英文名称"electric baton"也充满了科技感,让人们对它充满了好奇和敬畏。总之,电棒是一种多功能、强大而又神奇的工具,在我们生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色。


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