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1. 爱穿休闲或者男装:男人婆通常不喜欢穿高跟鞋、裙子等女性化的服饰,更喜欢穿着休闲或者男装,这样能够更自在地活动。

2. 说话直接:男人婆通常言语直接,不会像其他女性那样含蓄委婉,她们做事情也是雷厉风行,不拖泥带水。

3. 兴趣爱好与传统女性不同:传统上认为女性应该喜欢购物、美容、烹饪等活动,但是男人婆的兴趣爱好却与这些截然相反。她们可能更喜欢运动、打游戏、看电影等男性化的活动。

4. 不懂得与人交往:男人婆通常不善于与人交往,她们可能不太懂得如何与他人沟通,也不太会处理人际关系。

5. 不在乎外表:相比起其他女性,男人婆更注重内在的素质,而非外表。她们可能不太关心自己的穿着打扮,也不会花太多时间在美容上。

男人婆的读音为[nán rén pó],读作“nan ren po”。


1. 她从小就是个男人婆,和姐姐完全不同。

2. 我觉得她挺有意思的,虽然有点男人婆气质。

3. 她是个真正的男人婆,连女生最基本的化妆品都没有。

4. 她看起来像个女汉子,但其实也有一些女孩子气。并非所有的男人婆都是这样。

5. 虽然她是个男人婆,但是她做事情很果断。


Male Tomboy

Male Tomboy is a character trait that usually refers to women who have more masculine speech, behavior and interests. These women do not like to dress up or pursue fashion, and prefer casual or men's clothing. They are also not good at socializing and may have a masculine appearance and personality, thus being called "male tomboy".

The characteristics and behaviors of male tomboys mainly include the following aspects:

1. Love for casual or men's clothing: Male tomboys usually do not like to wear high heels, skirts and other feminine clothes, but prefer casual or men's clothing which allows them to move freely.

2. Direct speech: Male tomboys tend to speak directly without being subtle or gentle like other women. They also act decisively without hesitation.

3. Different interests from traditional women: Traditionally, it is believed that women should enjoy shopping, beauty, cooking and other activities. However, male tomboys have completely different interests such as sports, playing games, watching movies and other masculine activities.

4. Not good at socializing: Male tomboys are usually not good at socializing. They may not know how to communicate with others or handle interpersonal relationships.

5. Not caring about appearance: Compared to other women, male tomboys pay more attention to their inner qualities rather than their appearance. They may not care about their dressing style or spend too much time on beauty.

The pronunciation of male tomboy is [māl tɔmbɔi], pronounced as "mal tomb-boy".

Here are some examples of using the term "male tomboy":

1. She has been a male tomboy since she was a child, completely different from her sister.

2. I think she's quite interesting even though she has some masculine traits as a male tomboy.

3. She is a true male tomboy who doesn't even have the most basic cosmetics for girls.

4. She looks like a girl who can handle things, but she also has some girlish traits. Not all male tomboys are like this.

5. Although she is a male tomboy, she is very decisive in her actions.

Other words related to male tomboy: Tomboy, Neutral Style, Straightforwardness, Casual Wear, Sporty.




1. 爱穿休闲或者男装:男性女汉子通常不喜欢穿高跟鞋、裙子等女性化的服饰,更喜欢穿着休闲或者男装,这样能够更自在地活动。

2. 说话直接:男性女汉子通常言语直接,不会像其他女性那样含蓄委婉,她们做事情也是雷厉风行,不拖泥带水。

3. 兴趣爱好与传统女性不同:传统上认为女性应该喜欢购物、美容、烹饪等活动,但是男性女汉子的兴趣爱好却与这些截然相反。她们可能更喜欢运动、打游戏、看电影等男性化的活动。

4. 不懂得与人交往:男性女汉子通常不善于与人交往,她们可能不太懂得如何与他人沟通,也不太会处理人际关系。

5. 不在乎外表:相比起其他女性,男性女汉子更注重内在的素质,而非外表。她们可能不太关心自己的穿着打扮,也不会花太多时间在美容上。

男性女汉子的读音为[nán xìng nǚ hàn zi],读作“nan xing nü han zi”。


1. 她从小就是个男性女汉子,和姐姐完全不同。

2. 我觉得她挺有意思的,虽然有点男性女汉子气质。

3. 她是个真正的男性女汉子,连女生最基本的化妆品都没有。

4. 她看起来像个女汉子,但其实也有一些女孩子气。并非所有的男性女汉子都是这样。

5. 虽然她是个男性女汉子,但是她做事情很果断。


Male Tomgirl

Male Tomgirl is a character trait that usually refers to women who have more masculine speech, behavior and interests. These women do not like to dress up or pursue fashion, and prefer casual or men's clothing. They are also not good at socializing and may have a masculine appearance and personality, thus being called "male tomgirl".

The characteristics and behaviors of male tomgirls mainly include the following aspects:

1. Love for casual or men's clothing: Male tomgirls usually do not like to wear high heels, skirts and other feminine clothes, but prefer casual or men's clothing which allows them to move freely.

2. Direct speech: Male tomgirls tend to speak directly without being subtle or gentle like other women. They also act decisively without hesitation.

3. Different interests from traditional women: Traditionally, it is believed that women should enjoy shopping, beauty, cooking and other activities. However, male tomgirls have completely different interests such as sports, playing games, watching movies and other masculine activities.

4. Not good at socializing: Male tomgirls are usually not good at socializing. They may not know how to communicate with others or handle interpersonal relationships.

5. Not caring about appearance: Compared to other women, male tomgirls pay more attention to their inner qualities rather than their appearance. They may not care about their dressing style or spend too much time on beauty.

The pronunciation of male tomgirl is [māl tɔmgərl], pronounced as "mal tom-girl".

Here are some examples of using the term "male tomgirl":

1. She has been a male tomgirl since she was a child, completely different from her sister.

2. I think she's quite interesting even though she has some masculine traits as a male tomgirl.

3. She is a true male tomgirl who doesn't even have the most basic cosmetics for girls.

4. She looks like a girl who can handle things, but she also has some girlish traits. Not all male tomgirls are like this.

5. Although she is a male tomgirl, she is very decisive in her actions.

Other words related to male tomgirl: Tomboy, Neutral Style, Straightforwardness, Casual Wear, Sporty.




1. 爱穿休闲或者男装:男性女汉纸通常不喜欢穿高跟鞋、裙子等女性化的服饰,更喜欢穿着休闲或者男装,这样能够更自在地活动


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