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1. 琥珀色是一种暖黄色的颜色,它是一种由琥珀树脂形成的颜料,具有独特的光泽和温暖的感觉。琥珀色通常被描述为橘黄色或棕黄色,但它也可以有不同的色调,从淡黄色到深棕色都有。

2. 琥珀色具有耐久性和稳定性,不易褪色或变质,因此被广泛用于绘画、装饰和服装行业。它还具有抗菌和抗氧化性能,在医疗和保健产品中也得到广泛应用。

3. 读音读法:hú bù sè

4. 用例:

1) 她穿着一件漂亮的琥珀色连衣裙,显得格外迷人。

2) 这幅画使用了大量的琥珀色调,营造出温馨舒适的氛围。

3) 这款保健品含有天然提取的琥珀色成分,对皮肤具有滋养作用。

4) 在古代,人们将琥珀作为贵重的饰品使用,着财富和权力。

5) 这款眼影盘中的琥珀色眼影非常显色,可以打造出迷人的妆容。

5. 组词:琥珀色调、琥珀色泽、琥珀色光泽、琥珀色绘画、琥珀色服装

6. Amber color is a warm yellow color, which is a pigment formed by amber resin. It has a unique luster and warm feeling. Amber color is often described as orange-yellow or brown-yellow, but it can also have different shades, ranging from light yellow to dark brown.

Amber color has durability and stability, it is not easy to fade or deteriorate, so it is widely used in the painting, decoration and clothing industry. It also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties, and is widely used in medical and health products.

The pronunciation of amber color is hú bù sè.


1) She was wearing a beautiful amber-colored dress, which made her look even more charming.

2) This painting uses a lot of amber colors to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

3) This health product contains natural extracted amber ingredients that nourish the skin.

4) In ancient times, people used amber as precious jewelry, representing wealth and power.

5) The amber-colored eyeshadow in this palette is very pigmented and can create charming makeup looks.

Compound words: amber tint, amber gloss, amber hue, amber painting, amber clothing.

In summary, the color of amber is a warm yellow that comes from the resin of an amber tree. It has a unique luster and warmth that make it popular in various industries such as painting, decoration, fashion and health. Its durability and stability make it a valuable material for creating long-lasting products. The pronunciation of this color is hú bù sè. In different contexts, it can have different shades, from light yellow to dark brown. The use of this color in various fields is diverse and versatile, making it an important part of our daily lives.


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