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2.珊瑚岛(Coral Island)读音为[kɔrəl aɪlənd],在英文中也常被称为“Koh Hae”,它位于泰国普吉岛西南方向约6公里处,是普吉岛最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。



1. The Coral Island is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts.

2. We saw a school of colorful fish while snorkeling in Coral Island.

3. The crystal clear waters of Coral Island are perfect for scuba diving.

4. We were lucky enough to spot a sea turtle during our trip to Coral Island.

5. The dolphin show at Coral Island was the highlight of our vacation.

4. 珊瑚岛的特点和景点介绍可以组成以下词汇:

- 珊瑚礁 (coral reef)

- 海洋生物 (marine life)

- 水上活动 (water activities)

- 浮潜 (snorkeling)

- 深潜 (scuba diving)

- 滑水 (waterskiing)

- 白色沙滩 (white sandy beach)

- 清澈海水 (crystal clear water)

- 茂密植被 (lush vegetation)

5. 珊瑚岛的特点和景点介绍中英文对照:

1. 特点:珊瑚岛拥有绚丽多彩的珊瑚礁,清澈碧蓝的海水和茂密的植被。

Features: Coral Island is known for its colorful coral reefs, crystal clear waters, and lush vegetation.

2. 景点:游客可以在这里进行浮潜、深潜、滑水等各种水上活动,观赏到美丽的海洋生物。

Attractions: Tourists can engage in various water activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and waterskiing, and admire the beautiful marine life.

3. 用例:我们在珊瑚岛度过了一个充满刺激和乐趣的假期。

Example: We had an exciting and fun-filled vacation on Coral Island.

4. 组词:珊瑚礁 (coral reef)、海洋生物 (marine life)、水上活动 (water activities)、浮潜 (snorkeling)、深潜 (scuba diving)、滑水 (waterskiing)、白色沙滩 (white sandy beach)、清澈海水 (crystal clear water)、茂密植被 (lush vegetation)

Word combinations: coral reef, marine life, water activities, snorkeling, scuba diving, waterskiing, white sandy beach, crystal clear water, lush vegetation.

6. 珊瑚岛是一个迷人的海上天堂,它拥有丰富多彩的珊瑚礁和各种美丽的海洋生物。游客可以在这里享受各种水上活动,如浮潜和深潜,也可以在白色的沙滩上放松身心。茂密的植被为这座岛屿增添了一抹绿意,让人仿佛置身于一个热带丛林中。无论是想要冒险还是放松,珊瑚岛都能满足你的需求。来到这里,你会感受到大自然的魅力和宁静,让你忘记城市的喧嚣和压力。珊瑚岛是一个值得一去的旅游胜地,它会给你带来美好的回忆和难忘的体验。


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