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王子安集(wáng zǐ ān jí),每个字都有四声,读起来比较平坦,没有太多变化。其中,“wáng”的发音类似于英语中的“wong”,但要注意舌头要稍微卷起来;“zǐ”的发音类似于英语中的“dz”,但要注意舌头要抵住上牙齿;“ān”的发音类似于英语中的“an”,但要注意声调要平稳;“jí”的发音类似于英语中的“gee”。


1. 现在是皇帝生日,所有各地的王子都前往京城参加王子安集。

2. 这次婚礼上,新郎是某国皇帝的儿子,所以许多派出了自己最优秀的王子前来参加王子安集。

3. 据说这次王子安集上,将会有一场盛大的比武表演,许多王子都准备了自己的绝招。

4. 危机之时,各国王子纷纷前来参加王子安集,商讨对策。

5. 这次王子安集是为了庆祝某个新皇帝登基而举办的,所有来宾都穿着盛装,场面非常隆重。


1. 王子们在京城举行了一场盛大的王子安集。

2. 这次婚礼上,各国最优秀的王子都聚集在一起参加王子安集。

3. 危机之时,各国王子纷纷前来参加王子安集商讨对策。

4. 现在是皇帝生日,所有各地的王子都前往京城参加王子安集。

5. 这次庆祝新皇帝登基的活动中,有一场盛大的比武表演是属于这次王子安集的亮点。

Prince Gathering

“Prince Gathering” is a combination of the words “prince” and “gathering”, which means the gathering of princes together. The word "prince" refers to the son of a monarch of a country or region, and can also refer to the son of an emperor; "gathering" means to gather or assemble. Therefore, "Prince Gathering" can be understood as "princes gathering together".

Pronunciation and Usage

The pronunciation of “Prince Gathering” is “wáng zǐ ān jí”. Each character has four tones and is read in a flat tone without much variation. The pronunciation of “wáng” is similar to the English word "wong", but with the tongue slightly curled up; “zǐ” is similar to the sound "dz" in English, but with the tongue against the upper teeth; “ān” is similar to the sound "an" in English, but with a steady tone; “jí” is similar to the sound "gee".

Examples of Usage

1. It's the emperor's birthday today, and all princes from different countries have gathered in the capital for Prince Gathering.

2. The groom at this wedding is the son of an emperor from a certain country, so many countries have sent their best princes to attend Prince Gathering.

3. It is said that there will be a grand martial arts performance at this Prince Gathering, and many princes have prepared their own unique skills.

4. During times of national crisis, princes from all countries gather for Prince Gathering to discuss countermeasures.

5. This Prince Gathering was held to celebrate the coronation of a new emperor, and all guests were dressed in their finest attire for this grand occasion.

Word Formation

1. A grand Prince Gathering was held in the capital by all princes.

2. At this wedding, the best princes from various countries gathered together for Prince Gathering.

3. During times of national crisis, princes from all countries gather for Prince Gathering to discuss countermeasures.

4. It's the emperor's birthday today, and all princes from different countries have gathered in the capital for Prince Gathering.

5. The grand martial arts performance at this celebration of the new emperor's coronation was a highlight of this Prince Gathering.



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