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2.湾流的读音为[wān liú],其中“湾”字读作[wān],意为“弯曲”,“流”字读作[liú],意为“水流”。








6.The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current that flows through the North Atlantic and South Atlantic. It starts from the Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits, flows north along the east coast of North America, passes through the Bermuda Triangle, and then flows northeast into European waters. The warm water of the Gulf Stream has a significant impact on climate and ecosystems.

The pronunciation of Gulf Stream is [wān liú], with "wān" meaning "bend" and "liú" meaning "water flow". This warm current has a great influence on climate. Its warm water can raise the temperature of surrounding waters and affect the climate of nearby regions. For example, in western coastal areas of Europe, due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, winter temperatures are much higher than other areas at the same latitude. Additionally, it also brings a large amount of water vapor and affects precipitation in nearby regions.


1. The Gulf Stream is one of the most important warm ocean currents in the North Atlantic.

2. The Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits are the source of the Gulf Stream.

3. The warm water of the Gulf Stream can affect the climate of surrounding regions.

4. The Bermuda Triangle is often surrounded by warm water brought by the Gulf Stream.

5. Winter temperatures in western coastal areas of Europe are higher than other areas at the same latitude, which is related to the Gulf Stream.

Words: Gulf of Mexico, Florida Straits, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, warm current, Bermuda Triangle, warm water, climate, ecosystem, water vapor.

In conclusion, the Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current that has a significant impact on climate and ecosystems. Its warm water can raise temperatures and affect precipitation in surrounding regions. It also plays an important role in regulating global climate patterns. As a dictionary editor, it is important to accurately define and explain terms such as the Gulf Stream to help readers understand their meanings and significance.


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