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2.滚雪球的读音为/gǔn xuě qiú/,其中“滚”字读作/gǔn/,意为“向前滑动”,“雪”字读作/xuě/,意为“降落的水汽”,“球”字读作/qiú/,意为“圆形物体”。



1. 雪花落下后,在地上形成了一层厚厚的白色毯子。孩子们兴奋地跑出去,在雪地里开始了他们喜爱的滚雪球游戏。

2. 这个项目起初只是一个小想法,但随着时间推移和团队努力,现在已经发展成一个巨大而成功的企业,真可谓是滚雪球般的成长。

3. 这个谣言已经在网络上滚雪球般地传播开来,很快就引发了公众的关注和讨论。

4. 她的成功不是一夜之间就实现的,而是通过不断努力和积累,最后像滚雪球一样越滚越大。

5. 这个公司的产品质量和服务水平都非常优秀,因此口碑不断好转,客户数量也在像滚雪球一样增加。

4. 滚雪球可以组成“滚动”、“雪地”、“玩耍”、“增大”等词语。:“小朋友们在雪地里快乐地玩耍着,他们把小雪球不断滚动,直到变成一个巨大的滚动物。”

5. Rolling snowball refers to the activity of rolling snow into a ball on snowy ground. This activity is usually a game played by children in winter, and it can also be used to describe the process of something continuously growing, expanding or developing.

1. After the snowflakes fall, they form a thick white blanket on the ground. The children run out excitedly and start their favorite game of rolling snowballs in the snow.

2. This project was just a small idea at first, but with time and team efforts, it has now grown into a huge and successful enterprise, truly like a rolling snowball.

3. This rumor has been spreading rapidly on the internet, quickly gaining public attention and discussion like a rolling snowball.

4. Her success was not achieved overnight, but through continuous effort and accumulation, it grew like a rolling snowball.

5. The company's product quality and service level are both excellent, so its reputation is getting better and better, and the number of customers is increasing like a rolling snowball.

6. 总结:滚雪球是一种儿童在冬天玩耍的游戏,也可以用来形容事物不断增大、扩张或发展的过程。它的读音为/gǔn xuě qiú/,可以组成“滚动”、“雪地”、“玩耍”、“增大”等词语。滚雪球一词具有比喻性,可以用来形容事物的发展过程,也可以用来比喻谣言、传言等信息的迅速传播。同时,滚雪球也是一种儿童时期的美好回忆,让人们感受到冬季的乐趣和纯真。


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