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2.深秋的读音为[dēng qiū],其中“dēng”字的声调为第一声,意为“深厚”,而“qiū”字的声调为第四声,意为“秋天”。整个词汇的读音带有一种厚重感,与深秋这个季节所带来的感觉相符合。



1. 深秋来临,大地开始变得黄昏,仿佛是一幅落日的画卷。

2. 在深秋的早晨,空气中弥漫着一股清新的气息,仿佛是大自然在为人们送来新鲜的空气。

3. 深秋的夜晚,寒风凛冽,人们都躲在温暖的被窝里享受着宁静与安宁。

4. 走在深秋的林间小道上,脚下落满了金黄色的枫叶,仿佛走在一片金色的地毯上。

5. 深秋是一个充满感伤和思念的季节,在这个时候,我会想起那些已经离开我的亲人和朋友。



5.Deep autumn

1.Deep autumn refers to the period of the last month in autumn, which is from late September to early November in the lunar calendar. It is between summer and winter, with temperatures gradually dropping and the weather becoming cool, and the earth entering a desolate scene. Deep autumn is also known as "old age autumn", it is the last period of autumn, representing the decline and end of life.

2.The pronunciation of deep autumn is [dēng qiū], with the first tone for "dēng" meaning "deep" and the fourth tone for "qiū" meaning "autumn". The pronunciation of this word carries a sense of heaviness, which corresponds to the feeling brought by deep autumn.

3.Deep autumn is a season full of sadness and melancholy. It represents the withering of all things, aging and parting. In this period, people can enjoy the beautiful and colorful maple leaves, golden chrysanthemums, and ripe fruits. At the same time, they can also feel the tranquility and peace as nature quietly enters hibernation.

Example sentences:

1. With deep autumn approaching, the earth begins to turn into a twilight painting.

2. On a deep autumn morning, there is a fresh scent in the air as if nature has brought us fresh air.

3. On a deep autumn night, the cold wind blows fiercely, people stay in their warm beds enjoying peace and tranquility.

4. Walking on a path through deep autumn woods, golden maple leaves fall under our feet like walking on a golden carpet.

5. Deep autumn is a season full of sadness and longing. It reminds me of my loved ones who have left me during this time.

6.In summary, deep autumn is an important period in between summer and winter that represents aging and ending in life. It brings about melancholy feelings but also allows people to appreciate nature's beauty through colorful foliage and ripe fruits. The pronunciation of this word carries a sense of heaviness that matches with its meaning. It's a season that evokes emotions and memories for many people but also offers moments of peace and tranquility as nature prepares for hibernation.


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