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清水的读音为[qīng shuǐ],是一个双音节词汇。其中,“清”字的意思是“干净、纯洁”,“水”字则表示“液体”。两者结合在一起,形成了“清水”的含义。


1. 这个小村庄的居民每天都要从山上取一桶清水回家。

2. 工厂为了保证生产质量,专门从外地购买纯净的清水作为原料。

3. 森林里有一条小溪流经村子,这里的农作物都是用这条清水灌溉出来的。

4. 她喝了一口从山泉中取出的清水,觉得比市区里自来水好喝多了。

5. 这个池塘里养着很多鱼,都是靠着地下泉眼喷出来的清水维持生活。


Clear water has multiple meanings and uses. Firstly, it can refer to natural water sources such as springs, rivers, and lakes. These sources are usually unprocessed and free from any contamination, making them a popular choice for drinking in remote areas or during outdoor activities.

Secondly, clear water can also refer to treated drinking water. With the rapid urbanization, natural sources of clean water are becoming scarce and people have turned to various techniques to treat tap or groundwater to meet drinking standards. Such clear water is often labeled as "purified water" or "mineral water".

In addition to drinking, clear water also has many other uses. In agriculture, farmers use clean and uncontaminated spring or river water for irrigation to ensure the quality of their crops. In industrial production, clear water is an essential ingredient used for cooling machines and washing products.

The pronunciation of clear water is [qīng shuǐ], a two-syllable word. The character "清" means "clean" or "pure", while "水" represents "liquid". Together, they form the meaning of "clear water".

Here are some examples of how clear water is used:

1. The residents of this small village have to fetch a bucket of clear water from the mountain every day.

2. To ensure production quality, the factory specifically purchases purified clear water from other places as raw material.

3. A small stream runs through the forest and village, providing clean and uncontaminated water for irrigation.

4. She took a sip from the springwater and thought it tasted much better than tap water in the city.

5. This pond is filled with fish that rely on the underground spring for their livelihood.

Words: pure, uncontaminated, drinking, treatment, nature, techniques, mineral water, production, cooling, washing.

总结:清水是指没有被污染、没有添加任何杂质的纯净水,可以是自然界中的天然水源或经过人工处理后的饮用水。除了作为饮用之外,清水还有农业生产和工业生产等多种用途。它的读音为[qīng shuǐ],是一个双音节词汇。清水是一个常见词汇,具有重要的生活意义。


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