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1. 洛川的历史


2. 洛川的文化




3. 洛川的读音读法

洛川在古代称为“罗川”,因此,它的读音也可以是“luó chuān”。在当地方言中,洛川的读音为“lào chuān”。

4. 洛川的用例






5. 洛川的组词






6. 洛川的中英文对照

洛川 - Luochuan

陕西省宝鸡市 - Baoji City, Shaanxi Province

关中平原 - Guanzhong Plain

新石器时代 - Neolithic Age

镐京国 - Haojing State

秦朝 - Qin Dynasty

三秦郡 - Sanqin Commandery

隋唐时期 - Sui and Tang Dynasties

京兆府 - Jingzhao Prefecture

明清时期 - Ming and Qing Dynasties

Luochuan – a county under the jurisdiction of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. It is located in the northeast of Guanzhong Plain and is an important part of the Guanzhong region. Luochuan has a long history and profound culture, making it a charming place. Below I will introduce the history and culture of Luochuan.

1. History of Luochuan:

As early as the Neolithic Age, there were human activities in Luochuan, with a history of more than 6,000 years. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, it belonged to Qin State and was one of the capitals of Zhou Dynasty. After Qin unified China, Luoyang County was established under Sanqin Commandery. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, Luoyang County was renamed as Luochuan County and was under the jurisdiction of Jingzhao Prefecture. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Luochuan was successively under the administration of Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Directly-controlled State, Ningxia Administrative General Command, etc. After 1949, with the adjustment of administrative divisions, Luochuan became a county under Baoji Region of Shaanxi Province.

2. Culture of Luochuan:

Luochuan is a place where multiple ethnic groups live together. Han, Hui (Chinese Muslim), Miao and other ethnic groups live here harmoniously, resulting in a rich and colorful culture. Among them, the most representative are Han culture and Hui culture.

Han culture: Luochuan is a place with a long history of Han settlement. Here you can experience various traditional festivals and folk activities. Every year on the 15th day of the first lunar month, there will be a grand Lantern Festival where streets are decorated with beautiful lanterns to attract many tourists. In addition, on the 8th day of the fourth lunar month every year is Buddha's birthday, an important festival for locals to pray in temples.

Hui culture: Luochuan is also an important place for Hui people to live. Huimin Street is the most distinctive street here with many traditional buildings and Hui-style snacks. On Fridays when Muslims go to pray in mosques, they will invite people from other ethnic groups to join them. At the same time, there are also many art forms that combine Han and Hui cultural characteristics in Luochuan such as "Yangko" and "Huagu Opera".

3. Pronunciation of Luochuan:

In ancient times, Luochuan was called "Luochuan", so its pronunciation can also be "luó chuān". In local dialects, it is pronounced as "lào chuān".

4. Usage of Luochuan:

1) Luochuan is a county with a long history, and it has a rich cultural heritage.

2) Every year during the Lantern Festival, Luochuan will hold a grand lantern parade.

3) Luochuan is a place where multiple ethnic groups live together in harmony, such as Han, Hui, Miao, etc.

4) On Fridays when Muslims go to pray in mosques, they will invite people from other ethnic groups to join them.

5) Luochuan is also a food paradise with many local specialties loved by tourists.

5. Word combinations:

1) Luo Jia Village: located in the northwest of Luochuan County, it is a village with a long history.

2) Guanzhong Plain: Luochuan is located in the northeast of Guanzhong Plain, this fertile land has nurtured many cultures.

3) Buddha's Birthday: On the 8th day of the fourth lunar month every year, there will be grand celebrations held in mosques in Luochuan.

4) Huagu Opera: an art form that combines Han and Hui culture characteristics, which can also be seen in performances in Luochuan.

5) Lantern Festival: Every year on the 15th day of the first lunar month, there will be a grand lantern parade held in Luochuan.

6. Chinese-English comparison:

洛川 - Luochuan

陕西省宝鸡市 - Baoji City, Shaanxi Province

关中平原 - Guanzhong Plain

新石器时代 - Neolithic Age

镐京国 - Haojing State

秦朝 - Qin Dynasty

三秦郡 - Sanqin Commandery

隋唐时期 - Sui and Tang Dynasties

京兆府 - Jingzhao Prefecture

明清时期 - Ming and Qing Dynasties


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