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1. 我每天早上都会去街边的小摊位买一根油炸鬼当早餐。

2. 姐妹们一起去逛街,路过一家小吃店,决定尝尝那里的油炸鬼。

3. 这家小店的油炸鬼特别香,每次路过都忍不住要买一根。

4. 偶尔做些油炸鬼和豆浆,简单又美味的下午茶。

5. 没有比夜宵吃一根热腾腾的油炸鬼更舒服的事情了。


5.Oil-fried g is a traditional Chinese snack and a popular street food. It is made from a dough of flour, water, and leavening agent, which is then fried in oil. It usually has a golden crispy exterior and a soft and sweet interior.

6.The method of making oil-fried g is not complicated. First, prepare flour, water, leavening agent, and a little salt. Mix the flour and leavening agent together, then add water to form a dough. Let it sit for about half an hour until it doubles in size. Then flatten the dough, cut it into small pieces, and roll them into long strips. Fry in oil until golden brown and ready to enjoy.

7.Oil-fried g can be eaten as breakfast, afternoon tea, or late-night snack. In addition to being eaten alone, it can also be paired with soy milk, porridge, or other snacks such as scallion egg custard. Some places also sprinkle white sesame seeds or scallions on for added texture and aroma.

Example sentences:

1. I go to the street vendor every morning to buy a piece of oil-fried g for breakfast.

2. My friends and I were shopping together and decided to try the oil-fried g at a snack shop we passed by.

3. The oil-fried g from this small shop is particularly fragrant. I can't resist buying one every time I pass by.

4. It's so satisfying to have a hot oil-fried g and soy milk as a simple yet delicious afternoon tea.

5. There's nothing more comforting than having a hot oil-fried g as a late-night snack.

8.Vocabulary: flour, water, leavening agent, salt, dough, fermentation, roll, golden brown, soy milk, porridge, scallion egg custard, texture, aroma.

9.In conclusion,Oil-fried g is a popular Chinese snack that is easy to make and widely available on the streets of China. Its crispy exterior and soft interior make it a perfect choice for breakfast or snacks throughout the day. With its simple ingredients and delicious taste, it has become an essential part of Chinese cuisine. So next time you see an oil-fried g vendor on the street corner, don't hesitate to try one!


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