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2.河间(hé jiān)的读音为[hé jiān]。



1. 河间是一座拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的城市。

2. 河间地区有着丰富多彩的民俗文化。

3. 在河间可以欣赏到许多传统戏曲表演。

4. 河间还保留着许多明清时期的古建筑,吸引着众多游客前来观赏。

5. 河间的美食文化也非常丰富,有许多当地特色小吃值得一尝。



5. River Jia is a county-level city in Hebei Province, located in the eastern part of Hebei Province. River Jia is situated in the North China Plain, an important agricultural region, and it is also one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China.

1. The pronunciation of River Jia is [hé jiān].

2. The history and culture of River Jia are profound. Since ancient times, it has been a military fortress and commercial town, and was once the capital of the Qi State during the Spring and Autumn Period. In the Han Dynasty, it was designated as a county, one of the eighteen counties. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, River Jia became a regional capital of Yanjing Road. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, River Jia was known as "Little Capital" among Beijing's surrounding areas. Nowadays, River Jia has developed into a modern city while preserving its traditional culture and incorporating modern civilization.


River Jia is a county-level city located in Hebei Province, known for its long history and rich culture. It has been an important military stronghold and commercial center since ancient times. With its strategic location on the North China Plain, it has played a significant role in China's history. The city has also been the capital of different states and provinces throughout history, leaving behind a wealth of cultural heritage. Today, River Jia is a modern city that continues to embrace its traditional roots, making it a popular destination for tourists to experience both ancient and modern Chinese culture.


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