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1. 氙灯是什么?


2. 氙灯是什么?

[xiān dēng] 是一种高压 [qì tǐ fàng diàn dēng] ,主要由 [xiān qì] 和其他 [xī yǒu qì tǐ] 组成。它的原理是利用 [diàn zǐ] 在高压下激发 [xiān yuán zǐ] ,使其产生可见光。由于 [xiān dēng] 具有明亮、稳定、寿命长等特点,因此在舞台照明、汽车大灯、激光器等领域得到广泛应用。

3. 氙灯是什么?



1. 舞台上的演员们都被明亮的氙灯照耀着。

2. 这款汽车配备了最新款的氙灯大灯,能够提供更好的夜间视野。

3. 科学家们利用氙灯作为激光器的光源进行实验。

4. 氙灯是什么?


5. 氙灯是什么?

氙灯 [xī yǒu qì tǐ] 、 [diàn zǐ] 和 [guāng zhào] 等元素,是一种高压气体放电灯。 [xiān dēng] 能够产生高亮度的白光,因此在舞台照明、汽车大灯、激光器等领域得到广泛应用。

Xenon lamp is a type of high-pressure gas discharge lamp, mainly composed of xenon gas and other rare gases. Its principle is to use electrons to excite xenon atoms under high pressure, causing them to emit visible light. Xenon lamps are known for their brightness, stability, and long lifespan, and are widely used in stage lighting, automotive headlights, laser devices, and other fields.

In summary, xenon lamps are high-pressure gas discharge lamps that use electrons to excite xenon atoms and produce visible light. They have a wide range of applications in lighting and other fields thanks to their brightness, stability, and long lifespan. By combining multiple xenon lamps or using them in conjunction with other types of bulbs, different lighting effects can be achieved. As a dictionary editor in the dictionary industry, I hope this explanation has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of what xenon lamps are and how they work.


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