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江村即事的读音为jiāng cūn jí shì,读法为“jiāng”字第一声,“cūn”字第一声,“jí”字第四声,“shì”字第四声。


1. 这篇江村即事描写了当地农民抗击自然灾害的感人故事。

2. 该作品是一篇优秀的江村即事,通过对当地老人生活变迁的描述,展现了社会发展带来的影响。

3. 这首诗歌是一首典型的江村即事,以朴实的语言表达了对家乡乡亲们的深情祝福。

4. 这部电影以江村即事为题材,讲述了一个普通农民因坚持信念而获得成功的励志故事。

5. 这幅画作展示了江村即事中常见的场景——农民们劳作的田野和家乡的美景。


1. 江村:指江边的村庄,也可以指江南地区的农村。

2. 即时:指立即、马上发生的意思。

3. :指具有重大意义或影响力的事情。

4. 来源:指事物产生或发展的起源。

5. 特点:指事物所具有的独特性和突出特征。

Jiangcun Jishi is a term that refers to the immediate events that occur in the villages along the river. It usually refers to important events, news or social hot ics in the local area. It is a form of literary creation that reflects the social life of the villages along the river, with distinct characteristics of the times and regions.

Jiangcun Jishi originated from ancient Chinese folk literature and gradually evolved into an important literary genre as society developed and people's attention to life increased. It draws inspiration from folk legends, stories, proverbs, etc., with a strong national flavor and romantic color. With the changes of time, Jiangcun Jishi has also been constantly developing and growing into an important literary form that reflects contemporary social reality and people's lives.

Jiangcun Jishi has distinct characteristics. Firstly, it has a distinct characteristic of times. With social progress and technological development, people's lifestyles and values have undergone tremendous changes, and Jiangcun Jishi reflects these changes by describing current social problems. Secondly, it has a strong regional flavor. Each region has its own unique cultural background and historical traditions, which can be seen in Jiangcun Jishi, making the works more rich and readable. In addition, Jiangcun Jishi also has profound ideological connotations and life wisdom. It can reflect social reality through the description of life details, inspiring readers to think and reflect.

The pronunciation of Jiangcun Jishi is jiāng cūn jí shì, with the tone of "jiāng" as the first tone, "cūn" as the first tone, "jí" as the fourth tone, and "shì" as the fourth tone.

Examples of Jiangcun Jishi:

1. This piece of Jiangcun Jishi depicts a touching story of local farmers fighting against natural disasters.

2. The work is an excellent Jiangcun Jishi that reflects the impact of social development on local elderly people's lives.

3. This poem is a typical Jiangcun Jishi that expresses deep blessings to the villagers in simple language.

4. This film is based on Jiangcun Jishi and tells an inspirational story about an ordinary farmer who succeeds by sticking to his beliefs.

5. This painting showcases a common scene in Jiangcun Jishi - farmers working in the fields and the beautiful scenery of their hometown.

Compound words related to Jiangcun Jishi:

1. Jiangcun: refers to villages along the river, or rural areas in southern China.

2. Jiashi: means immediate or happening right away.

3. Shijian: refers to significant or influential events.

4. Laiyuan: means origin or source.

5. Tedian: means unique characteristics or prominent features.



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