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1. 坚硬耐用:汉白玉具有高硬度和密度,不易受到外界因素影响,因此具有很强的耐久性。

2. 质地细腻:汉白玉表面光滑细腻,纹理清晰,质感柔和,给人以高雅精致的感觉。

3. 高光泽度:汉白玉具有良好的抛光效果,表面光滑如镜,反射率高,能够增强空间明亮度。

4. 耐酸碱性:汉白玉具有较强的抗酸碱性,不易受到酸雨、化学物质等侵蚀,因此适用于室内外多种环境。

5. 色彩丰富:除了常见的白色和灰色外,汉白玉还有黄色、粉红色、绿色等多种颜色,可以满足不同装饰需求。


1. 建筑装饰:汉白玉被广泛应用于建筑装饰领域,如室内地面、墙壁、柱子等。其高雅的外观和耐久性能使其成为高档建筑的首选材料。

2. 雕刻艺术:汉白玉是一种非常适合雕刻的材料,其质地细腻、光泽度高,在雕刻过程中能够保持精细的纹理和形状,被广泛用于制作雕塑、工艺品等。

3. 墓碑:由于汉白玉具有耐久性和高雅气质,因此被视为合适的墓碑材料。许多名人和富豪都选择用汉白玉制作墓碑来表达对逝者的尊重和纪念。

4. 家具制作:汉白玉也可以用来制作家具,如桌子、椅子等。其高贵的气质和自然的纹理能够为家具增添一份独特的美感。

5. 其他用途:汉白玉还可以用于制作各种工艺品、装饰品,如挂件、手链等。它也被用于医疗领域,被认为具有一定的保健功效。

汉白玉的读音为“hàn bái yù”,拼音为han4 bai2 yu4。


1. 这座豪华别墅使用了大量汉白玉作为装饰材料,给人一种高贵典雅的感觉。

2. 这块汉白玉雕刻成了一只栩栩如生的小熊,栩栩如生。

3. 这座名人墓碑采用了汉白玉材料,表达出对逝者的尊敬和怀念。

4. 这张桌子采用了汉白玉作为桌面材料,光洁的表面给人一种清新的感觉。

5. 这条手链由汉白玉制作而成,据说佩戴可以增强身体健康。


Chinese white marble, also known as Dali marble, is a common type of stone used in the construction and decoration industry. It is a hard and porous rock composed of calcium carbonate and other minerals. Chinese white marble is typically white or gray in color with delicate patterns and a glossy finish.

Chinese white marble is considered a high-end building and decoration material, widely used in interior and exterior decoration, carving, tombstones, and other fields. It exudes an elegant appearance and noble temperament, earning it the title of "king of stones".

The main characteristics of Chinese white marble are as follows:

1. Hardness and durability: Chinese white marble has high hardness and density, making it resistant to external factors and highly durable.

2. Fine texture: The surface of Chinese white marble is smooth and delicate with clear patterns, giving it a soft texture that exudes elegance.

3. High glossiness: With excellent polishing effects, Chinese white marble has a smooth surface that reflects light well, enhancing the brightness of any space.

4. Acid and alkali resistance: Chinese white marble has strong resistance to acid and alkali substances, making it suitable for various indoor and outdoor environments.

5. Rich colors: In addition to the commonly seen white and gray shades, Chinese white marble also comes in yellow, pink, green, and other colors, catering to different decoration needs.

The uses of Chinese white marble are mainly in the following areas:

1. Building decoration: Chinese white marble is widely used in building decoration, such as interior floors, walls, and columns. Its elegant appearance and durability make it a preferred material for high-end construction.

2. Carving art: Chinese white marble is a perfect material for carving due to its fine texture and high glossiness. It can maintain delicate patterns and shapes during the carving process, making it popular for creating sculptures and crafts.

3. Tombstones: The durability and noble temperament of Chinese white marble make it a suitable material for tombstones. Many celebrities and wealthy individuals choose to use it as a way to show respect and commemorate the deceased.

4. Furniture making: Chinese white marble can also be used to make furniture such as tables and chairs. Its noble temperament and natural patterns add a unique beauty to furniture pieces.

5. Other uses: Chinese white marble can also be used to create various crafts and decorations such as pendants and bracelets. It is also used in the medical field, believed to have certain health benefits.

The pronunciation of Chinese white marble is "hàn bái yù" with the pinyin han4 bai2 yu4.

Here are some examples of Chinese white marble in use:

1. This luxurious villa is decorated with a large amount of Chinese white marble, giving off an air of elegance.

2. This piece of Chinese white marble has been carved into a lifelike bear, showing exquisite craftsmanship.

3. The tombstone of this celebrity is made from Chinese white marble, expressing respect and nostalgia for the deceased.

4. This table has a made from Chinese white marble, giving off a clean and refreshing feel.

5. This bracelet is made from Chinese white marble, believed to have health benefits when worn.

Word combinations: Chinese white marble sculpture, Chinese white marble tombstone, Chinese white marble furniture, Chinese white marble pendant, Chinese white marble bracelet

In conclusion, Chinese white marble is a type of high-quality stone that is widely used in the construction and decoration industry. Its characteristics of hardness, fine texture, high glossiness, acid and alkali resistance, and rich colors make it a popular choice for various applications. From building materials to art pieces, Chinese white marble adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space.


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