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6.Gas shortage refers to the phenomenon of energy shortage in a certain region or country due to insufficient gas supply, mainly referring to clean energy such as natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas.

The main reasons for gas shortage are as follows: (1) uneven distribution of natural gas resources, leading to supply and demand contradictions; (2) imperfect natural gas pipeline transportation system, prone to accidents; (3) government regulation and price control limit market competition, affecting supply capacity; (4) high dependence on natural gas imports, international changes will affect domestic supply.

The impact of gas shortage mainly includes the following aspects: (1) economic impact: energy shortage will lead to increased production costs, reduced corporate profits, and hinder economic development; (2) social impact: residents' lives are affected, household gas is restricted, and the quality of life declines; (3) environmental impact: due to increased use of alternative energy sources, more pollutants will be emitted.


Sentence 1: "The recent natural gas pipeline explosion has led to a serious gas shortage in the area, greatly affecting the lives of residents."

Sentence 2: "Gas shortage has led to increased production costs and reduced profits for enterprises, seriously affecting their development."

Sentence 3: "The government should strengthen the safety management of natural gas pipeline transportation systems to avoid gas shortages."

Sentence 4: "Due to high dependence on natural gas imports, political instability can affect domestic supply. It is necessary to strengthen domestic energy reserves."

Sentence 5: "Restricted household gas use has made it difficult for people to keep warm in winter. Various sectors of society are calling on the government to take measures to solve the problem of gas shortage."

Word groups: natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, clean energy, supply and demand contradictions, pipeline transportation system, price control, import dependence, economic development, quality of life, environmental pollution.

In conclusion,

gas shortage refers to a phenomenon where a region or country experiences an energy shortage due to insufficient supply of clean energy such as natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas. This can be caused by various factors such as uneven distribution of resources and imperfect transportation systems. The impact can be seen in economic, social and environmental aspects. To address this issue, governments should take measures such as improving safety management and reducing import dependence.


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