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9.Water Pollution Disease, also known as Minamata Disease, is a neurological disorder caused by long-term exposure to organic mercury pollutants. It was first discovered in Minamata Bay, Japan, hence the name. This disease mainly affects the nervous and immune systems of humans, leading to symptoms such as muscle weakness, sensory abnormalities, and intellectual disabilities.

10.The main cause of Water Pollution Disease is the long-term exposure to organic mercury substances, especially methylmercury. These substances are often derived from industrial waste and pesticides, which can enter the water source and be absorbed by the food chain. When humans consume contaminated seafood or drinking water, they may develop Water Pollution Disease.

11.The most common symptoms of Water Pollution Disease are related to the nervous and immune systems. The most common ones include muscle weakness, sensory abnormalities, and intellectual disabilities. Patients may also experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting, skin irritation, and other discomforts. In extreme cases, Water Pollution Disease can even lead to death.

12.For example, a foreign journalist who worked in Japan for many years developed Water Pollution Disease due to long-term exposure to mercury pollutants emitted by factories. His symptoms included muscle weakness, intellectual disabilities, and sensory abnormalities, which greatly affected his quality of life.

13.Another example is a young woman who developed Water Pollution Disease during her pregnancy because she ate contaminated seafood. Her baby was born with symptoms such as muscle weakness and intellectual disabilities, which caused her great distress.

14.Water Pollution Disease is a very serious health issue that not only brings physical troubles to patients but also affects their social life and mental health. Therefore, prevention of Water Pollution Disease is crucial. The government should strengthen the control of organic mercury sources such as industrial waste and pesticides and provide more education and publicity to raise public awareness.

15.In addition to that, each of us should also do our part in protecting the environment. Reducing the use of chemical pesticides, proper disposal of waste, choosing eco-friendly products are all things we can do. Only when everyone realizes the importance of environmental protection and takes action can we avoid disasters like Water Pollution Disease from happening again.

16.In conclusion, Water Pollution Disease is a neurological disorder caused by long-term exposure to organic mercury pollutants. Its main cause is the pollution from sources such as industrial waste and pesticides. Patients often show symptoms like muscle weakness, sensory abnormalities and intellectual disabilities. Prevention of Water Pollution Disease requires joint efforts from the government, businesses and the public in protecting the environment to protect our own health.


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