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2.水车(shuǐ chē)是什么?它的作用和历史如何?






8.Water wheel is a mechanical device that utilizes the power of water to drive. It is mainly used for extracting water sources or providing power to drive other mechanical equipment. It is one of the earliest inventions in human history and also one of the most important energy sources before the industrial revolution.

9.What is a water wheel? What is its function and history?

10.The function of a water wheel can be divided into two aspects: firstly, it can be used for extracting groundwater or extracting water from rivers, lakes, etc., to meet the needs of people's lives, agriculture and industrial production; secondly, it can use hydraulic power to drive other mechanical equipment such as mills, forges, and textile factories. In terms of agriculture, water wheels can help farmers improve irrigation efficiency and increase crop yields; in industry, it has brought tremendous changes to manual labor and greatly improved production efficiency.

11.The earliest appearance of water wheels can be traced back to around the 3rd century BC in China. At that time, people discovered that by fixing a wooden wheel in a river and using the energy generated by the flow of the river to rotate the wheel, they could pump water from the river onto land. With the passage of time, people have made improvements and developments to water wheels, resulting in more efficient types such as vertical water wheels and inclined plane water wheels. In Europe, water wheels were also widely used and became the most important source of energy before the industrial revolution.

12.Water wheels had a wide range of uses in ancient times. In addition to being used for pumping and driving machinery, they could also be used for grinding, digging, pressing oil etc. For example, in ancient Greece, people used water wheels to drive mills and oil presses; in ancient Rome, people used them for agricultural irrigation and city water supply.

13.With advances in industrial technology, hydroelectric power has gradually replaced traditional water wheels. In modern society, traditional water wheels are rarely seen. However,in some remote areas or developing countries, people still use traditional wooden or metal water wheels to solve water supply problems.

14.Summary: Water wheel is a mechanical device that utilizes the power of water to drive. It has a long history and has played an important role in people's lives and industrial development. Although it has been replaced by modern technology in many places, it is still used in some areas.


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